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C&P this weekend, nervous and don't know what to expect

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Like the title says, i go to have an exam for fibro, gerd, and eczyma. Now the last one is a toss up, and the gerd maybe too i don't know. A doctor outside the VA diagnosed me with fibro a few years back. He was an idiot though so i don't know if it was documented(probably, but i also have 30 percent for p.s.t.d. so i'm probably being paranoid). Then again this doctor told me it was my weight blah blah blah. I told him multiple times that a few years prior i was going to the gym alot and the pain has become worse as i age amking it harder to be as active. I try to eat good(chicken and rice, oatmeal) most of the times but we are human. So back to the exam, i have only had one for the p.t.s.d. I was in Iraq day one of the war(March 2003). I was around burn pits and was exposed to the aftermaths of exploded tanks and buildings(hell some we even enter to make sure nobody was hiding or any wmd. I'm registered for the burn pits. I just don't know what to expect, will it be questions, will it be a physical? It's an outside contractor, so i'm hoping less va bias. I'm also too the point of drowning in debt. It's trigger my p.t.s.d. to the point my wife can't even sleep due to my nightmares and waking up with night terrors. I have become much angrier and lashing out. Not physically though, but i don't know what state i'll be in if i get another denial(btw with what i mentioned, i have a bva for freaking tinnitus even though i have stated where i have been. I was also a cavalry scout in the army so i was trained for combat. I have lay statements from a battle buddy, mom, wife, ex and a friend. I just need to know what to expect or what else i need to do to have a shot at an approval? I'm also filed for apnea, va diagnosed me and i have a cpap. Never had a chance to have any of this documented in service due to being told to man up. 

Edited by jdelta
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  • HadIt.com Elder

jdelta Ok brother, you have a lot of catching up to do, but we can get you there. You are going to have exams to see how bad your symptoms are that were claimed, so you need to understand what those symptoms are and how they grade them out to the various levels of compensation. Look up each one here https://militarydisabilitymadeeasy.com/search.php  Then you have to look up what the dbq's are that the examiner will be evaluating you on, so look each one up here    https://www.benefits.va.gov/compensation/dbq_ListByDBQFormName.asp  Answer the questions truthfully and honestly, no exageration, but answer them like what happens on your WORSE day, not necessarily today. For example, talk about your really bad day with GERD; how you throw up in your mouth and can't get that terrible taste out of your mouth; or you can't lie down for 3 hours after you eat. Your WORSE days; your not lying, but your telling them how bad it is. I would also suggest that you make it clear how much this pending C&P has stressed you out and how nervus you are. If it is a long time since your last C&P for PTSD, if the examiner puts that kind of info in your exam notes, it may trigger another exam for re-eval to your benefit.Go over some of your answers you are going to respond to based on the dbq's; practice with your wife; she can be a great help. You can take her with you and ask if she can attend the exams with you; they don't have to let her, but if you say that it will really help because you are stressed (PTSD) and get distracted and she can help you re-focus.  As you probably know, this isn't going to be a short trip, but a journey down VA highway. Gonna be a long ride, but you can do this. If you aren't successful on the first claim(s), you can always appeal. And we are here to help you. You may have other things that are wrong that you may be compensated for but that is for another day. Let us know of your progress.

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  • HadIt.com Elder


Just go to the exam and be positive and be nice

Just answer the examiner questions the best you can, those examiner have all your medical records to read and they are suppose to read them before the exam ,your just there to answer any questions he may ask...so just let your medical records speak for you private and VA records , if they are favorable  then you should get a rating .

Remember to bring to the examiner attention if he/she don't ADDRESS SOMETHING THAT YOU THINK IS RELEVANT TO YOUR CLAIM.

SO its best to take the medical records to prove your point as your evidence , because some times the VA don't send them all our records.  you will have them.

Note* You may want to make sure this examiner is qualified  to do this type of exam?...so you know his/ her credentials (just in case the exam goes south)

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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1 hour ago, Buck52 said:


Just go to the exam and be positive and be nice

Just answer the examiner questions the best you can, those examiner have all your medical records to read and they are suppose to read them before the exam ,your just there to answer any questions he may ask...so just let your medical records speak for you private and VA records , if they are favorable  then you should get a rating .

Remember to bring to the examiner attention if he/she don't ADDRESS SOMETHING THAT YOU THINK IS RELEVANT TO YOUR CLAIM.

SO its best to take the medical records to prove your point as your evidence , because some times the VA don't send them all our records.  you will have them.

Note* You may want to make sure this examiner is qualified  to do this type of exam?...so you know his/ her credentials (just in case the exam goes south)

They say she specifically is trained for Iraq c&p's. As for medical record, long story but i don't have them on me personally and don't think i would get them in time. 


5 hours ago, GBArmy said:

jdelta Ok brother, you have a lot of catching up to do, but we can get you there. You are going to have exams to see how bad your symptoms are that were claimed, so you need to understand what those symptoms are and how they grade them out to the various levels of compensation. Look up each one here https://militarydisabilitymadeeasy.com/search.php  Then you have to look up what the dbq's are that the examiner will be evaluating you on, so look each one up here    https://www.benefits.va.gov/compensation/dbq_ListByDBQFormName.asp  Answer the questions truthfully and honestly, no exageration, but answer them like what happens on your WORSE day, not necessarily today. For example, talk about your really bad day with GERD; how you throw up in your mouth and can't get that terrible taste out of your mouth; or you can't lie down for 3 hours after you eat. Your WORSE days; your not lying, but your telling them how bad it is. I would also suggest that you make it clear how much this pending C&P has stressed you out and how nervus you are. If it is a long time since your last C&P for PTSD, if the examiner puts that kind of info in your exam notes, it may trigger another exam for re-eval to your benefit.Go over some of your answers you are going to respond to based on the dbq's; practice with your wife; she can be a great help. You can take her with you and ask if she can attend the exams with you; they don't have to let her, but if you say that it will really help because you are stressed (PTSD) and get distracted and she can help you re-focus.  As you probably know, this isn't going to be a short trip, but a journey down VA highway. Gonna be a long ride, but you can do this. If you aren't successful on the first claim(s), you can always appeal. And we are here to help you. You may have other things that are wrong that you may be compensated for but that is for another day. Let us know of your progress.

I have a notepad open on my computer and anytime an issue arises i jot it down. Sometime i repeat what happened but its phased different. An example is i wrote dropping stuff with left hand, then a few days later having a good grip with my left hand. One more question i have, is should i bring my buddy/lay statements for her to see? 


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Order your C-file

Start learning 38 CFR

Go get a heavy metals test, this could explain some of the mental and physical issues you're having and the way you feel without knowing why, and if it comes back positive then you know why. 

Coconut water from 99 cent store helps with the fibro. 

and find a rheumatologist (google your town and rheumatologist, check a few out, and pick one to have him/her be your rheumatologist for the next few years)  because the physician needs to rule out  the following - Rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme disease, STDs, Heavy metals, Lupus and have you be on meds for fibro.  Lyme disease and STDs can be done at the VA but get the results and give it to the Rheu.

Stop lifting weights, if you do.


I'm registered for the burn pits.

Unfortunately it won't help or matter for 30 years, just like how Vietnam soldiers came back covered in agent orange and took decades for VA to get a handle on that.  But you can complain yearly to your congress person and two senators about burn pits. Congress makes the laws. 

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I agree with everything stated so far about being yourself at the exam.  I think if you are that serious you should also ask for an increase of your PTSD and possibly depression.  Not being able to work out like you used to can cause depression.  Some of us get rated for PTSD and depression.  They can only rate one MH diagnosis but it might tip you over if you have both diagnoses.  They will expect you to be nervous at your exam so just be yourself and answer the questions honestly.  Let us know how it works out.  Also ask the doctor if you can get a copy of your C&P.  Sometimes we cannot get a contract C&P to us until the case is decided.    

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