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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. Teac - I've just looked up "combined" & "aggregate" and using the simple definition(s), the Court will rule favorably, otherwise they would have used "combined ratings table," if that's what they meant. jmo pr
  2. Carla - anything they do is on them. You had no responsibility to help but you did. You should be proud of yourself!!! The desire to get a new vehicle, for someone who's never owned one, is large. It says look at me, I'm a success, to the unknowing. To those of us who know, it's a stupid waste of money. A former group member of mine won an accident settlement and paid cash to a dealer, for a jeep, about 12 yrs ago. He stated "you should have seen the salesman when I pulled the $20k outta my pocket!" The salesman coulda cared less, except that he knew the sale would go thru and he'd get his commission. Six months later the $80k settlement was gone and the guy was broke again. We can't control others but can be pleased w/ourselves for what we do!!! I know, sometimes it makes ya want to give up but that'll pass. I sometimes buy a stranger's meal but always request the staff say nothing to them until I've left. I'm not looking for credit for my action, just the pleasure in knowing someone had something good done for them that one particular day. jmo pr
  3. The way I figured it is 10% would round out to either no increase or 10% to a 70% total. 30% would round out to 70% or maybe 80%, depending on whether the original 60% is based on 55% rounded up to 60% or 64% rounded down to 60%, which is why you need all the original percentages, when using the combined ratings table. jmo pr
  4. I'll be happy just to live long enough to get a positive decision, aside from making the Court resolve the SMC "s" award 100+60 criteria issue. jmo pr
  5. Spoke w/Carrie, today, at Bergmann & Moore, and aftering reading my decision, they are agreeing to represent me at the Court. Documents are being sent for my signature. Sweet!!!!!!!! Just 4 more yrs (or more) to go. pr
  6. I had a vet, in my group, get 5 implants about 10 yrs ago, thru the VA. pr
  7. You shouldn't be. If you were an amputee and didn't use your prosthesis, should you be reduced??? You're still an amputee. I'm 100% for PTSD and have only taken meds 3 times, for about 3 months, each time. Whether you take meds, or not, should have no bearing. pr
  8. Remember, no good deed goes unpunished. Dontcha just hate that! pr
  9. Yes, you could, depending on how much it's worsened. jmo pr
  10. Carla - sounds like it could be a month off, which could be the lost month for the month the disability was awarded or the current month. I'd have him wait for the award letter and check it out. Don't let it bother you!!! But, if they owe him money he should go after it. Could be a simple error! They shorted me way back when and a simple letter corrected it for $17k. jmo pr
  11. While I can see where time would be saved, I foresee a problem in that much of what is in the old notification letter, I believe, was required by the CAVC and specifically the "reasons and bases." We should also note that any pending claim that is not addressed, in the SNL/decision is considered "decided" and "denied." jmo pr
  12. John here's a link to Winn Army Community Hospital http://www.winn.amedd.army.mil/ Contact them and check. Generally all in-patient hospital records are kept at the NPRC in St Louis, MO. In-patient records are not kept with individual personnel medical records but are kept w/the archived hospital records. Check w/the NPRC again, under the hospital's records. pr
  13. Carla - I believe the BVA redacts BVA cases but the CAVC is public info, so they need not be redacted. pr
  14. Anytime unemployability is mentioned the VA is supposed to consider it, however the VA is the VA, so I would file TDIU, now, by filing the TDIU form, as it can only expedite the claims process. I would also file a NOD to protect your EED. jmo pr
  15. Provided he's never hidden or lied about his employment, I would let him work, if he wants, and if they rescind or reduce the decision, so be it. Sounds to me that either he can work, w/a 100% PTSD rating or they screwed up. You should prepare for a reduction, just in case it happens. jmo pr
  16. JimE - these are my suggestions, for now. First, prior to filing a claim for hearing loss, I suggest you get a copy of your claims file (aka: c-file). Once you have it, review the file and see what they have as evidence and if any service medical records (SMR's) are missing, I suggest securing those for your claim. Once that's done I'd file a CUE claim, which is the only way to get them to use the earlier effective date (EED) of your original claim. For VA compensation the hearing loss must be quite profound. You shouldn't have much trouble receiving 10% comp for tinnitis(sp), the ringing in you ears. Remember, the VA accepted you as you were, so you can win. Never, never, never, ever, ever, ever, give up, no matter how long it may take. jmo pr
  17. Ahhhhh, there's nothing I like better with my jeez, more than a whole bunch of whine. ;-) Teac - if your comment is pointed at me I don't buy it. You are correct, a Retiree ID offers more bennies but then they earned it and I believe I "earned" what they give me, also. I also asked for and received senior discounts, from about age fifty, too! And . . . if your comment wasn't pointed at me, please excuse this post. jmo pr
  18. I don't tell anyone, except maybe another vet that needs help. As for discounts, I always ask if there is a senior or military discount and if it's a military discount, I show them my MWR card. Most just know it's a military ID and could care less, anyway. Our status is "our" business. If anyone wants to know how much we're paid they just need to send an FOIA request and the VA will let them know. jmo pr
  19. Good on you!!!! Sorry it takes so long for what you really "earned." pr
  20. They may have enough info from his records or SSDI! Who knows but be sure to keep the letter of cancellation. I'd call but be polite & courteous. jmo pr
  21. Good point, cooter! They should just make the award, w/o a C&P exam, but you know the VA. That could be a valid agrument, tho. jmo pr
  22. What do you mean??? You cancelled your claim??? pr
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