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Chief Petty Officers
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About NJBB62

  • Birthday 11/22/1960

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  1. Congrats, way to hang in there and never gave up, you deserve every penny, I remember those days of worrying, then my letter showed up 100% total and Permanent no future exams and tears just flowed, pressure relieved from my chest. Hadit was a life savor for me, God bless you and your Family!
  2. It only took them 4 days after I signed up for direct deposit to send me my travel pay from Gainesville Florida
  3. Congrats and check your state for all Bennies, free license, registration, hunting and fishing license, state parks and some states no property taxes, just depends on which state you live in!
  4. We made donations to the DAV every year, here is my 2 cents worth. I lived in Boston 2001 I had a massive heart attack had 1 foot in the grave no income coming in, my wife went to DAV for help with bills, they told her you have to join DAV first to be helped and then told her it's not a guarentee because she works, she was making $10.00 an hour, We ended up living off my 401K from the post office until they retired me. I stopped all donations to them.
  5. Check with your local Va, they will explain all benny's for your state, Good luck and stay strong!
  6. Congrats, Way to Hang in there, Here are some bennies for NC. http://www.military.com/benefits/veteran-state-benefits/north-carolina-state-veterans-benefits.html
  7. Congrats and way to Hang in there, Keep up the Fight and Good Luck!
  8. Jerry, Look to see what your Mets were 1-3 Mets is 100%, 3-5 Mets is 60% and the percentage goes down from there, and you feel any worse file for increase right away, Do not wait, I waited 9 years before I ask for an increase and was approved 100% and they told me I should have asked earlier, but would only back pay me from when I filed, so Do not wait! Congrats, NJBB62
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