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Senior Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by retiredat44

  1. I got headaches on active duty from chemicals, jet fuel, gas, etc.. and a few year after getting out from being sick, they gave me 50% after one 3 minute exam... I was hospitalized for stomach problems on active duty, and removed from my jobs from being sick from chemicals.. now, with pancreas disease, I have been going through appeals, exams, hospitalizations.. I found it weird, they cannot see headaches, but gave me the full amount for those, but the pancreas disease destroyed my body and is terminal, yet they fight me over that claim... I have no idea why some people they give approve the claim for headaches, even though there is no outward sign, nothing a doctor can see... (on active duty they gave me cat scans/mri's for the headaches.. not sure what they show. maybe they showed inflammation on the scans?? I have no clue....) I just wish they would approve the stuff I have absolutely physical proof for. Both for on active duty and 30 years later... I have no clue what to tel people who have headaches, other than miney were during active duty... and continue to this day... if you didn't have them on active duty, or di dnot have doctors put the notes in your SMR's, I have no idea how you can get headache claims approved..
  2. I had a similar thing happen, my vso was promoted and dumped al his cases into the pile with all the other thousand sof cases,, and then they said, all appoinemnts were ful until many months later.. and it al came at a time when I had to file for the appeals.. I ended up going to an office 50 miles away... just to get help sooner... what makes it worse is I have a terminal disease and can't be jerked around much longer.... as if I die while the VA screws me and my family, then tmy fmaily wil never get the benfits and I will die in hell... the claims system and al the digfferent organizations are all years behind and the claims people seem to all be nincompooops.. it's deny, deny, until the poor vet sob dies... sorry, off my ranting.. finding and keeping a good vso and getting the claim done right the first go round saves years of appeals.. but the problem is the poor vet doesn't usually know how to file themselves.. and even if they do, often the vet (like myslf) is sick and brain is mixed up and foggy and can't think straght, we rely on a vso that know how to do the job.. often the vso doesn't know as much and we are led to believe.. also it seems no one knows your job, and when they rwrite your claim they bungle the problem, the hsitory and how it rleates to you job you held on active duty,, and they are either unwilling or unable to go through al your records and use everything they can... the VA will not go through your records, will either on purpose or by stupidity not find and use al the evidence... leaving your claim denied,, rubber stamped denied,, purposley overlooking evidence.. We need vso that know what they are doing, will not abondon us,, the VA is like an attorney for prosecutors, thye are there to deny deny, and will do everything they can to deny you... if your vso fails you you are screwed... if you hore an attorney, they want quicxk and easy cases, they don't want to take any more time than they have to,,, and needing ot pay doctors for IMO's, you doing your own research... withiout training on how... looks at anywhere for 1 year for the very very lucky few to an average of 3 years for people who don't have many problems with getting your claim approved to the rest of us that take many years of appeal hell, the hamster wheel of hell.. Thank you to these forums... without these forums, we are left with a totally broke va claims system, with people that only have one goal and that is deny, deny, until they die... even if you get references for vso's that come highly rated, there is no gaurantee the vso wil not disappear in the middle of your case.. it's happened to me too... I hope your health problems are not terminal like mine...
  3. My grandparents had a home outside of Eugene Oregon, and I have/had relatives (Uncles/Aunts, cousins there in several cities... I used to go there are a kid every year.. I know how it felt then, but that was a long time ago...
  4. I used to go to Landstuhl medical center for treatment while in Germany... I would go up to the castle there, I had an apartment in the village there too...
  5. I went through that for many years.... when I went into the hospital, they would sometimes be an hour or two late, and I was in really bad shape I was screaming for long periods of time... when they were late... at home sometimes I would get them late,, one time I ended up in the emergency room when they were late I went into horrific withdrawls.. and was like when you see addicts in the movies rolling around on the floor puking and shaking... pounding headaches... I cannot have my meds late or I go into withdrawls.. after a couple hours past the due time the headache starts, and the pain and nausea builds up... if it goes past that I roll up into a ball in a corner and shake and get physically sick.. If I see in advance that I will come up short the anxiety sends my life into a tail spin... I learned that when I am admitted, I no longer turn over the meds I carry,, I keep some hidden in my belonging for when they are late giving me meds.. I learned the hard way, that they can be hours late making rounds to give meds.. and if I keep some in my belongings, I can avoid the suffering I tred being honest and I only screwed myself... when the morphine is too weak I get dilaudid. And if I have to get it injected it is usually not enough at first and doens't last long. I then get a self actuated pump, that I get control over. But, it's is computer controlled so I can only get so much per hour beofre it cuts me off. The doctors program the pump. the nurses are short staffed and can be very late doing their rounds with meds.. somtimes the pharmacy is late delivering meds in the middle of the night or they cannot find a doctor to sign the orders... or the dosage is not enough.. they have script guidlines and they cannot give your meds early,,, even 20 minutes early is too early... if I take them 2 hours early at home nothing happens except that it's two hours or quality pan relief.. that I would never get under the supervision of medical people.. being dependent upon ohter people for pain meds is a horrible way to live. Even after 20 years, you know that the day wil come, once again where someone will be later giving you your meds and you will suffer badly... all because our government is cruel when it come to helping people with severe pain... they punish sick people and blame it on people who abuse drugs.. WheniI become admitted again, I know the rutine.. one more hting, my veins are all ruined and they cannot find enough working viens so they really put me through hell puching needles through me,, until they finally decide to put a PIC line in,,, and even then that isn't enough they still have to put the IV's in...
  6. I have to have test done befor emy appointmnets because I am monitored every 3 months for my pancreas disease and liver complications,, after a few years of this, this time they had no blood test scheduled for my next appointment, and when I would get there they would have no blood test results to adfjust my meds or send me back to liver clinic.. I tried telling everyone for 3 weeksm I need the test one week befor emy appointment, or else they would have to have them drwnt he same day and send me back a week later... no one listen,, I tried everything to get the labs, everyone just refused to help... I called everyone,, I even went to the clinic, while ther eon other business... finally someone called me yesterday, Friday, just before 4 pm, after the lab closed at 3:30 and told me they ordered the tests... too late,, now I go monday morning to have the tests 2 hours before the appointment... the 3 weeks of trying to get the problem corrected got me nowhere... I do appreciate the case nurse finally called, but it was too late... it's like beating your head against the wall, the wall wins..
  7. those people who never had a dro hearing would not have any transcripts or tape, so you would have to go to a bva hearing or tape one..... regardless, that is the answer my American Legion VSO gave me.. I pressed her on her answer and she re-stated it as fact that they would use the tape that was recorded and transcripts from my dro hearing. So, if you just go from NOD-to-form 9-to-BVA.... (no dro hearing, there would be no tape (audio, vidual, transcripts). So apparently, when my time for the BVA comes around, they already have my transcipts and audio tape. MY form 9 requested a video hearing, but that request was made before I had my dro hearing...(but asked for the dro hearing a few months after my form 9 request was sent to the BVA, as the dro hearing was an after thought, I only learning about it after and decided not to miss the chance to pass up that opportunity) again, The BVA will use my audio tapes, transcripts, when they get to me... when I asked her I could not have been more clear, and more demanding of clarification... So, it appear They will not have a video of me, only audio... If I ever find out differently, I will post any new info... whenever that day comes... (DRO hearing was Dec 8, 2010). Only got an soc for 3 out of 6 issues,, the major issues are the ones that never got a decision... (waiting.. for dro hearing decsion on those 3 issues). originally My first form 9 (for bva hearing request) was sent in I think around June 2010. Maybe before that, hard to remember,, my brain is fried...
  8. You mean those picture in the post I made in the reply? those are mine..
  9. My VSO told me the BVA will use the audio recording that was made at my DRO hearing..
  10. How are the other VA Medical Centers? Mine is San Diego VAMC. I plan to move when my claim get through this miserable claims/appeal process of HELL Since I have only been using San Diego, and plan on moving to a small town somewhere to get the hell out of the big city B.S. I am wondering how the VAMC's are in othe rplaces.. Oregon? Washington? Idaho Nevada? I prefer a cooler climate and would like to go North, preferably west coast, maybe near mountains too... I suffer from fevers... and hate hot temperatures.. especially during fevers... plus I can't enjoy small walks in heat... and miss rain,, doesn't rain here much.. I would love open roads, places to go out and spend the day where there is open country... queitness, away from the crazy cities and lunatics.. but suffering with pancreas disease, degernative disc disease, long hikes are not probable.. and I must be within an hour of a VAMC for treatment... but, I don't at all want to be in the big cities,, only to travel to a VAMC. Also, some clinics specialize in certain disease,, not sure where the places I mentioned specialize in or don't specialize in... cost of living must be less than here,,, I went to some towns / places on the internet and the cities usually have little calculators on the websites showing a cost of living comparrison.. most show a much lower cost of living.. San Diego VAMC has excellent care.. but living around the area sucks,, not as bad as Los Angeles (sorry, no offence.. as my family was from there..) but let's face it, it's not the best place.. especially if one like me has a terminal disease, lives on moprhine from pain, and want's to try to enjoy whatever time I have left..
  11. what about fixing the bulging disc? I have had surgery to remove bulging disc 20 years ago,, that leg pain is very hard to deal with.. but the VA claims people won't help with the pain... they only inflict more pain..
  12. wish my diseases would take a day off for bad weather.... sounds like total BS!
  13. looks like 3 years.. from the time the form 9 is filed.. from beggining to end... end meaning everything is done and nothing left..
  14. I want to hear it, if not live the tape later.. I wrote the doctor a couple years ago when I needed an IMO,, I could not get an answer, I had just gotten out of the hospital after spending 6 months in bed... and finally got out of the wheelchair when I went searching for doctors to do an IMO (thanx to the great help on this website explaining hox it would benefit my claim) It was extremely hard to find a doctor to do an IMO, I searhed al lover the Internet, asked other Vets, and made lots of contacts... I ended up with a specialist in toxicology up North... $1,600 for an inch,, she could not do more, I have several feet of records.. (would have cost me a fortune..) I also could not afford a neuro IMHO,, I ended up with just one IMO with the toxicolgist... and the neurology records are all from VA Doctors..
  15. i am also under the care of a neurologist. I have had shaking and tremors for many years, but then tcame the totally involutary movements, with arms, leggs jumping out and then the feet and toes would start twisting in knots.. One VA doctor said it is Myotonic Dystrophy .. (DNA Test came back , doctor studied it,, still is not sure.. but during the time of the diagnosis, I also had sever emuscle wasting, which my pancreas disease caused the loss of the ability to eat food for 6 months and was tube fed.. They are not sure if it is Muscular dystrophy, MS, Parkinsons,, etc.. I worked with many toxic chmicals on active duty and they played a part in my neurological problems..
  16. If I knew that if I could get away with the Rant I have held back all these years, the nukes would be raining... I am too sick and the anger makes the pain even worse... but, if I could let all the bad peopple know how I feel it would be one hell of a happy time for me, and the people who screwed me would never recover... Sadly, the evil, rotten scumbags are winning... If you tell off the evil bad people after you win, can they take everything (benefits) back?
  17. like the amount of files in my photos (not all, just some) from my VA medical records.. **keep in mind, my father (was Navy disabled veteran), did not have any records, not one, never seen a doctor in his life... until he had a c&p and until he died.. and they didn't put him though any appeals, he just got approved in a few months.. did they change the rules??? why do we need records when vets in the past didn't need records..
  18. it's now into 10 months since the dro hearing (my dro hearing was dec 8, 2010)... without a decsion on 3 of 6 issues, 3 were still denied (stated in the soc and ssoc, and are proceeding to the BVA... Those form 9 issues were sent in more than one year ago.. the other 3 issues never got an soc.. so I guess that means, they wil give me a decsion once they get done screwing around and do it... San Diego, slower than hell... (it's no paradise here,, it's a craphole....don't believe those frakkin vacation thingies..) IMHO
  19. so, let me get this straight, you went to a dro hearing earlier this year (month date, etc??) and just got a decision in the last few days? how long did it take, in months? what part of the country, state, etc? (I think some places are faster than other cities, states, etc...). thanx
  20. 2 years from the time the BVA receives your form 9? sorry if it is a question asked over, and over again,, but just asking.. thanx..
  21. when I was sick on active duty from chemicals, I was screaming in pain with massive swelling, and lost my jobs (2 different jobs due to illnesses. yet the DRO hearing guy said there was no evidence of depression... I was like wtf??? me, screaming and crying in pain, and not just one time there happened to me for many months... and the nurses and doctors that treated me at the base clinic and also spent time at the base hospital (in fact I was also hositalized 2x as a in patient..) and yet the dro telling me there is no evidence of depression.. then I have been under doctors care for 20 years due to illnesses (on narcotics for chronic pain 20 years) and have been going to mental health all this time too not to mention 6 months in the hospital on 2008. Then to top it off it's terminal, and if I get one more infection, they will remove my pancreas, yet again, the told me no evidence.... I can see flat out the VA claims people are either blind, stupid, liars, or all the above...
  22. They first rip-off (that I am aware of) was the first real GI-Bill, going back a long time was taken away and they gave us later veterans a really crappy one... that was total B.S. Then, they made getting disability much harder,,, they contually hack away at the benefits. they made several classes of veterans, which is totally wrong, all veterans are veterans.. we do not pick the wars, just fight them..
  23. After going through the process, what would you have done differently in your claim? Whether you won or lost, appealed, etc... what would you had done differently, in hindsight, when you did the whole process of your disability claim? Myself, (I was advised to do this, while I had already started the process and was in the first denial, I was advised of doing things I should have done at the get go..): I would have led them by the hand with everything, no matter how easy, how simple, how easily understood, even by a monkey, I would have spelled out every step, every issue, every minute detail. Even though the medical records showed what I ended up stating during the ongoing appeal.. I would have stated everything.. Even though I relied on my (VSO) Veterans Service Officer, to type out my claim, and spell out why I was filing my claim and what conditions. My VSO did not elaborate all my duties. I was stupid in thinking the VA had complete job descriptions. My VSO left out many details of my jobs and what my conditions are. I waited too long. I also should have appealed some issues denied in my first claims filed in the 1990's. As they festered and go much worse with time. I should have filed as soon as I got my first day out of the hospital in 2008. I could not walk, but I could have gone in a wheel chair to my VSO or VA claims office, and a ride from someone. I tried working with VSO who did not have time to help me. I should have just filed on my own instead of waiting for appointments that took many months. MY biggest mistakes were trying to get help from others who didn't do their job as good as they should, fill paperwork as wel as they should, or invest in time for me in a timeley manner. I also did not correct the mistakes fast enough, I really gave the VA claims too much credit thinking they actually cared, they could give a rats ass. Their only goal is to deny deny until they die. I relied on others. IN some fairness to myslef, I was put through hell, pumped full; of drugs and literally drieven mad from a huge nightmare from a long stay in the hosptial fighting for my life. I was and stil am very traumatized. I was even sent for professional help, the doctors felt I had gone through so much hell, they made me get help. Then trying to go throug legal stuff with the VA screwing me at at turn, just made it to difficult to get through the process without help. I was in such bad shape, I was uanble to feed myself, hold things, walk, and even talking was extremely difficult. I hads no muscles left to move body parts. Timne wwas being wasted while waiting for help. Even while in line at the VA claims counter, I needed help, and they treated me like crap. I look back and still see things I could have handled better, and should have won my claim without needing appeals...
  24. I lost my teeth because of malabsorption,, no one would help.. so they were all destroyed, and i had to have them all pulled at one time, what was left.. my whole mouth was bleeding because they were like jagged glass... the va would not even take one look, and it was an emergency...
  25. I can barely read the writing of my doctors from my SMR's from 30 yearsd ago. I have no idea how anyone can read them clearly.. even a trained doctor might have a very hard time reading another doctor's notes, before computers were used.. The biggest problem is even when the records have the information, the informations and records of evidence are ignored up until testimony is given. They bastages totally ignore evidence. I hate it when they actually say to your face there is no evidence of soemthing, and you bring it up and they don't even apologizie. I get the imnpression from al the people I have delt with at the VA claims process, i s that they have to deny deny until you die. it is like they have been threatened with being fired if they let any vets win. and by win I mean show that they caused injury and illness. Evil, evil, evil... I get very angry because I suffered in extreme agony from my injuries, I screamed and cried in apin for long periods of time, now those injuries have caused terminal illness and 20 years in bed sick. S o, I have a lot to be extremely angry about... I wish I could put the suffering in a needle and inject those va claims people with it, let them know what hell is...
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