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Senior Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by retiredat44

  1. naw,, cut those too... foreign aid bs, United Nation bs,,, dept. of education bs... illegals suck up money, the list goes on...
  2. Too bad the local news media could no get into their guarded doors and ask them wtf they are doing.. after all, they should not be able to hide secretly wtf they are doing.. They should be penalized for being screwups... for everybody they screw, they should have demotions, loss of promotions.. Do they understand how angry they make people that are already sick past the breaking point...? I don't think they do... I really don't..
  3. I don't have anything left to lose.. material that is.. my illness may kill me before my appeals go through though... When I say Deny Deny until they Die, it's no joke to me... I am one infection away from death every day... I was told by surgeons 2 years ago, if I get one more infection they will remove my panccreas... when i was at the DRO hearing, clearing up al the misinformation and lies from the VA, I with my wiffe and VSO asked how long, and they refused to answer.. I let them know I am very sick... yet I don't think they gave a flying F in a rolling donut...
  4. I want to move, when I get my appeals through I want to move to a smaller community away from the city,, and need to be close to a VA hospital... about one hour away will be ok... but I don't know which hopitals have the care I am used to in San Diego... I would like to move into the Pacific Northwest... so I guess my choices are Oregon, Washington, Nevada,, etc... I just want cooler weather and slow lifestyle, for my last few remaining years... I need to find out if they all offer the same care I need.. my needs are mostly Intestinal disease, pain, spine... neurology.. eyes... I need to leave the crazy lunatic rat race... I know there are direcotires with locations shwoing where the VA clinics and hospitals are,, just not sure if they all have the same care... one thing about San Diego VA, they share doctors with University of California San Diego Medical center .. some of my doctors work at both... specialities they are in: intestinal diseases, pancreas disease, liver disease..
  5. I was labeled as a drug seeker from the get go many years ago... I was in extremem agnoy and very sick .. my intestines diseased, my back diseased,, and swollen limbs (skin)... but yet, the doctors that saw me, labled me as a drug seeker... I needed help[ badly to help with pain... the blood tests and erays could not find th eproblems, and a lot of the time, at first the doctors refused to do the proper tests.. after being called a drug seeker to my face by countless doctors. (also doctors from the government when I lost the ability to work and applied for SSDI) ... it turned out not only intestinal disease but pancreas disease,,, what they did to me is unforgivable the way sick people are treated... as a dying animal laying in it's waste in an alley,, I spent so many years so damned sick, suffering in agony and treated like $hit. when I got sick on active duty, if my limbs and had not swollen and my blood pressure had not risen, they too would have treated me worse... but they too blew it badly and continued to have me work in contact with chemicals that helped cause and contributed to my illnessses... then as a civilian, having helath insurance didn't sav eme from the ruination of my life, as the doctors at the HMO I paid for out of my pocket totally misdiagnosed me.. being misdiagnosed and being told and labeled in medical records tha tyou are a drug seeker... is a horrible miserable way to treat sick people, yet they got away with it... I am too sick to be angry, but can't help being angry, ever time I am reminded of what happened to me and when I see it happen to others...
  6. i have not seen one bit of proof that any of those bastages are actually working..
  7. Anyone else deal with San Diego R.O.? how often,, appeal pending...? example, I had DRO hearing Dec. 8. 2010. But my doctors are mostly at La Jolla and also in Oceanside. My VSO is also at the San Diego Mission Valley R.O. (American Legio). I am Still waiting for my decision on 3 issues of my claims,, I believe the others 3 issues are going to or at the BVA. 8 months of waiting for the decison is crazy... when I asked the dro officer (well actually my wife, me, and vso kinda asked how long and they would nto specify, but they didn't exactly say it would take forever either.. they implied a few months not a year or more.. My SOC that was sent to me was sent January 2011 for 3 issues, The other 3 isssues I never received any paperwork. I was hoping some forum would be more specific for regional offices in forums,, now may some Vets that deal with San Diego , Mission Valley R.O. can also post with news of what that heck is going on at that office and why they take forever to put out info on cases. anyone else have dealing and news from these offices? thanx..
  8. This great.. if I thinkl it is what I think, it is what I really wanted for a logn time.. Regional Office info,, to let us know how things are going that affect us where we go to and and physsically tied to with health , appointmnets, doctors, and records, and legal.. if it is al this, in these new forums, it is Fantastic! Salute!
  9. they wil not speed up the damned appeal, I suffer greatly for pancreas disease and can die at any time if I get another infection,, but they are not going to help me, and speed anything up... if anyone does get a fire lit under their slow asses due to failing health,, I would like to know how,, and good luck on that..
  10. It would take lots of physical activity,,, unless you can hike like you are young and healthy, and take brutal heat.................. I would have to forgo giving the info out for the most adenvurous and give you some places that you could just go take easy walks and enjoy some fine outdoor dining with easy sight seeing.. I mysleft went on weeek long adventures through the hillsaides of an archelogical place in San Augustin,, and the Amazon,, also visited Armero only because a relative owned a home a few minutes from the ruins of the volcano in the 1980's. brutal kiing, horseback riding and jungle trenching and boating. I do recommend the boat trips (day trips to the islands off Cartegna..).. veyr enjoyable, but the boats of fast and noisy as hell,, thye drip you off on islands many miles off shore for a few hours.. San Augustin was a blast,, but the hiking is only for people who can hike all day for 1 week and take a very long miserable bus ride a few hours outside of Bogota.. but in Cartegna, you enjoy thos islands off shores,, and fine dining and nice nightlife.. the accomadations are nice when you get to these places.... but you must take some unpleasant long journeys..
  11. I was there a long time ago.. I spent a lot of time there and traveling in Colombia. my wife is from there.. I have been to both ends and the middle... I could suggest some places to go.. I will never ever go to those places ever again, as I am in my last years and too sick..
  12. I think he had his rights, he was pushed to far.. and th epeople at the VA who caused hsi greif are to blame, not the vet... the government employees all fee entitiled and al lfeel like we work for them, not the other way around,, there is no accountability when they screw up.. none at all,, in fact they probably get promotoions for screwing disabled vets out of benefits.. it's sham.. leave this poor guy alone,, he is only doing what most of us would have done at our breaking point.. the scumbags who screwed him should thank the stars he only told them off.. IMHO
  13. how many vets have appeals for intestinal diseases? May I ask have/had intestinal diseases. Are they diagnosed with actual diseases, or symtptoms and no name? If so, how long has it been since you were denied, and in appeals for those? past and ongoing treatment? were you diagnosed with any intestinal symptoms/diseases while on active duty? Anything else to say about cause, effect, status. where (what part of the world or where in the USA did these happen? Inclduing the claim and appeal, and status? I am very curious, as I have an appeal for intestinal disease and had problems diagnosed on active duty, but since then the symptoms got much worse with time.. 7 months since my dro hearing... Thank you for listening.. San Diego
  14. congrats.. I would like to hear followups, soemtime after the euphira wears off, let us know a little about the fight, a little about the conditions, and appeals... also what part of the country you are in,,, al the info would tell of us that are still being screwed around how close we are towards getting resolution... if some offices are faster slower, kinder, meaner.. etc.. thanx..
  15. whoever puts out the numbers needs a good whipping... I just want honesty.... why the Frak can't they just be honest? If I were a dishonest worker at the VA would I be able to keep my job? what is the damned truth? with some sarcasm, I bet they just slap each other high 5's all day talking about how life's rough,,, I have seen this over and over again when walking down the halls with my mountain of records on wheels.. they pass each other and stop and talk crap for 25 mintues before they drag their arses to the next door... just how frakkin long does it take to take a claim that needs nothing, ready to go, and how long to rate it and tell the poor sob vet what the frak is going on.. is that to much to ask.. (rhetorical..)
  16. month 8 starts in one week,,, for a decision since dro hearing back on Dec. 8 2010.... we aksed the dro hearing office approximately how long it might be and he looked lilke a weasel trying to get out of estimating... how about some human decency out of these people who work for the VA, how about some honesty,, instead they are weasels holdiong life and death in their hands...
  17. you will probably need at least one strong IMO.. and appeal/re-apply... IMHO
  18. I don't understand ypour question, like everyone else has said and asked, please elaborate a little.. I have been misdiagnosed a zillion times... I have been treated for things I didn't have and have been not treated for things they missed.. Serious things, life threatening conditions.. but this thread is about you..
  19. yes thank you,, don't know why I couldn't find it...
  20. to top of wating for other problems and no decisions from my dro hearing dec. 2010, I now have been diagnosed with Glaucoma (left eye). I already have (had cataracts, with surgery only on one eye.. plus a growth on the retina of the eye that had cataract surgery...). It will be a miracle if I don't die (from the necratizing pancreas disease) before they quit dicking with me and make my decisions...
  21. I can't find my thread asking everyone, how long since you had a dro hearing.. (those that had dro hearings). so here it goes.. had my dro hearing dec. 2010. Stil awaiting a decision on 6 issues... but it looks like 3 ares till undecided and with the RO, the other 3 may have been moved to the BVA... but still, it's along time for soemthing so simple and had the evidence,, and they agreed the evidence is there... the issues started on active duty due to the work I did and was treated medically on active duty for the conditions. The condition have since contuned to worsen, and have not wored in 20 years and wil never be able to work again.. I keep getting sicker while I wait,, newest diagnosis is Glaucoma... left eye.. already had cataracts both eyes, then surgery on right eye.. (I am not claiming the eyes, at least not right now..). Intestinal disease, neurological disease, back disease, necratizing pancreatiits, edema, thrombosis (splenic and portal veins (through the liver)... and much much more.. long periods of hospitalizaton (also was hospitalized on active duty then at the va as a civilian...). 7 months since dro hearing... already rated 50% for headaches. I got 50% automatically 15 years ago, no appeal needed. now they deny deny, until I die..
  22. I have Portal vein thrombosis, then Splenic vein thrombosis with ncreatizing pancreatitis. I had hypertention and intestinal disease on active duty along with hospitalization for gastritis. I also now had Glaucoma in the left eye and had catracts in both eyes, then the right eye the catracts were operated on, and the pancreas surgery wetn bad for a cyst, and infection set in.. As far as the thrombsis. yesterday I had a scope put down my my esophagos to see if the thrombosis was causing damaged and swelling and breagke of the viens in there... it turned out ok for now. The thrombosis is hell.. and has caused me lots of grief and almost caused my life. It's a bad situtation. the edema was very bad on active duty and was outrageously bad while hospitalized, I have suffered from edema for many, many years... I had to take diaretics and the va gave me a special electric bed to tillt to help drain fluid in my limbs.. not sure what my rating will be after my appeals go through, I am stlil awaiting the decision for the dro hearing last year...
  23. I don't have much choice,, the vso's are overwhelmed, and the lawyers refuse to give the time and contact to get my info to them... I even asked a lawyer and they told me to only mail my documents and they could not talk in person.. my case is complicated and too many docments to fax, or put in an evelope,, and explain.... They lawyers have no tact in discussing issues, they just want an easy case... mine in 100% winnable.. it's just the VA is Deny Deny until they die and the VSO's have thousands of people begging for help.. We depend on a VSO, and if they type one word wrong, or don't use the proper workding, then the vet suffers,, and evenif the problem is corrected it takes ears to clear it up because the VA refuses to talk to vets until a face-2-face 3 years later.. what a crappy mess!
  24. I havea frakkin genious idea for how to get the work load moving and keep it moving.. how about when a vet files a claim, they actually can speak to a 'live' claims person (if they choose) when they turn a claim in, so that any possible misunderstanding are cleared up immediately, witin a few days. Why did it take 3 frakkin years to get a hearing to get a -face-2-face with someone to clear up things that should have been clear from day one! That is the frakkin problem! Instead the system is setup so they get denied 20 times before they have a face-3-face. At a face meeting the claims wizards can tell the claimant there is a need to be clear on some point(s). Right now the claims people refuse to let records be set stright, they just love to use rubber 'No'stamps, because if they didn't love to say no they would actually give the Vet a chance to make their case clear from the get-go. Please... stop this BS way of business, let the face-2-face happen when they turn in the claim. It doesn't have to be with the head person, just with a claims person who is intelligent and caring. Not someone who doesn't care and is clueless. So to be harsh, but I get the sense of a nastiness hidden on the invisible hidden side of the process. Also, the claims people need to have acess to books that show complete job descriptions. Can't they use the materials the recruiers use? isn't there a jobs list with descriptions. The people who handled my claim were clueless on my jobs. They had no clue.. and based lousy decisions on ignorance and lack of knowledge on my jobs. Which were cleared up 3 years later at the DRO hearing. And, yes, they had all the info on paper, but apparently they refused to read it thoroughly. Like soemone in these forums said, I had to take them by the hand and explain stuff to them like they were children. They are working with some very sick vets and need to stop making sick vets sicker. like the drill sargeant used to say, 'someone is ate-up with the dumbass...'
  25. I am now in month 7 of waiting for the DRO hearing decision... on the 3 issues that I never received an SOC for..
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