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Why Imo "is" Being Rejected?

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Why IMO "is" being rejected?

I had a new PCP assigned recently.

According to my records, a pain level of "1" was entered without asking me what level I was experiencing.

"No pain" was also entered, and the Dr stated, "sustained action opoid medication no longer needed".

He said I would have to get "all" my pain meds from the local Dr from now on & pay for it myself. He commented verbally, that's what happens when you go "outside" the VA for medical opinions & pain medication.

He than accused me of trying to double up on two completely different pain prescrptions, in the same month, by going through two different Dr's at the same time.

He accused me of not notifying the VA I was receiving a VA banned medication,(oxycontin/long lasting_20mg),

and failing to sign a, "release of information" form for my private Dr to get copies of my records & prescriptions. When I told him I keep an up to date hard copy of all my VA med records & faxed what was requested to the private Dr.

His reply was, "vets can alter records to say anything". (Does that sound familiar?) According to him, only VA can send VA medical records to my private Dr.

He states, "thats the only way VA can be sure the records the Dr receives are authentic".

Medical records by this new PCP also state, "patient does not have hypertension or diabetes as previously diagnosed." No medical bases or explanation was given.

The Dr also stated, "patient has no voiding problems and no bowel problems." Than he declined to fill a prescription for guards and said, "the Dr that diagnosed me with MS didn't even examine me."

My voiding problems are currently rated 20%SC for residuals of an inservice testicular mass, epididimitis/orchitis/orchalgia. This has been in effect for over 10 yrs.

He states,"occasional nausea" & refilled the 24X7 prescriptions for meclizine & ducosate.

He also asked if I paid for the IMO, or did the VA. He didn't like it when I said I did.

Betty fought with them for over a week trying to get them to pay for it, but finally gave up & paid for the slow release & the breakthrough pain med herself.

When I left the clinic, I knew I wasn't going back untill I get some medication that will keep me out of jail.

I called mental health at the VA, they said I couldn't get an appointment until I speak with my PCP for a referal.

So I ended up calling the patient advocate & requested a change of Dr's form.

These boneheads have been treating me for MS & chronic pain, since 94' & I've had a solid diagnoses since 2005.

Not sure what their trying to pull, but I bet none of it is legal.

Pure harrassment.

Thanks for alowing me to post this update.


PS....has the VA stopped treating vets diagnosed with multiple sclerosis by an IMO?

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Hello Berta,

>You would want that to go directly to Deputy Secretary Gordon Mansfield and send a copy to the General Counsel-VA-

Will contact you via email & discuss it.

My complaints have been over fraudulent statements in my records, prescribing three antidepressants at a time to cause a toxic state, constant errors from PCP's over medication orders, improper procedures, ethics, refusing to recognize toxic exposures of military personel or providing treatment for the illnesses veterans have from it. I complained to help set up a clinic in Seattle & Spokane to treat Vietnam Era & Desert Storm Vets with toxic exposures & the facilities records dept practice of taking three months to send medical records to patients.

I've filed alot of complaints & I doubt I'll be able to control the flood of reasons shoved in my face to stop, before I leave the problems of this world behind.

I promised my family I wouldn't raise hell again this time too. But this guys preoccupation with his agenda, altered my agenda. They walk away whenever I try to talk to them about VA politics or the evil within.

It's, "the geezers lost it again", when I start to talk.

Guess I'm the kind of vet thats better left at home like this vet.

Because sister, I ain't given up this country without a fight. I don't go looking for them & I don't like being dragged into one like Vietnam. So someone better shoot me in the head & get it over with.

I'm to old to change what I believe in or adapt to sticking my head in the sand until my behind ends up missing....

Do I hate going to VA for health care? YES!!!!!

Do I think Va is only out to get me before the visit. Yes!!!!

I've had way to many clinic visits like this Dr's, & raised the roof with my protest every time, to not expect "THE treatment".

When I get someone that doesn't treat me that way, I try to be respectful.

>But I am confused however by the IMO and what it would even have to do with this doctor.

Good question.

The only thing I can figure is Berta, He's following advice from his pimp.

I asked him why he made the comment in the records, that I don't have incontinence. He said if you didn't have it during our visit, you don't have it. I said, so you mean if I don't mess my drawers right in front of you, your not going to prescribe the guards? He said you got that right & asked, what do I have that causes the incontinence.

I said MS for one. Then he started in with, that DR never examined you. He made his opinion clear, "you can't get an IMO unless the VA gives you one & it means nothing without an examination.

He said, on two separate visits "Thats what happens when you go outside the VA for medical opinions & pain treatment, when he was declining to fill prescriptions". Said it the same way whenever he declined to fill a prescription. Pain meds, guards or the local Dr's script for an updated spinal MRI, he said no to all of them & kept repeating this same rehersed phrase.

He had a pre-conceived opinion of treating me for MS/chronic pain, Dr Bashes IMO & about me paying for it, on the first visit in June.

The Spokane VAMC must have put a bug in his ear, since he just moved here from Ohio & I only saw him for a few minutes with the news crew there.

When I asked the Spokane clinic to put the IMO in their records back in 2005, the Dr I had then said, I doubt it will mean anything. He said we don't have to recognize it.

Since the RO's, the BVA, the Appeals center, VA health care PCP's at the Spokane VAMC & now Wenatchee VAMC, have repeatedly made it clear they don't have to and their not going to.

This guy passed down what he was instructed to do & make it hurt $$$, by dropping my meds altogether. That's what I saw through all of it & my family didn't.

My family loves me, yes. And I love them, but they see the smile.

I see the eyes & listen for the VA politics during the health care visit. If it's all political with a, could care less about my health, mental or emotional state, diagnoses, symptoms, well being or if I'm bleeding to death in front of him attitude, then that tends to push this nerve I have thats missing a stop button to my brain.

The family could support me more, by taking off the blinders and standing with me to put a stop to this once & for all. Instead, they say"well, he seems like a nice guy & they all want to help you & you don't know who Dr bash is, he could be anyone just taking your money, You need this health care, your getting worse.

They say I should trust these people. And the Dr wanted me to trust him to do a prostate exam.

I let them know, neither was going to happen.

They are wonderful mothers, but know nothing about evil intent by some that are being planted.

"You don't have to be a crazy, angry, depressed vet who's family & society fails to understand. But it sure seems to go with the territory"

Political? You tell me.

My eyes are feeble & so is my mind. I see mostly corruptness, needless death & suffering, Lies.

I refuse to be silent about it or permit it.

Has it put a wedge between me & my family over it. Oh yes, Big time.

It will pass in time, lord willing.

I'll keep the trust I have in Dr Bash's IMO's & it doesn't matter what anyone says.

>In the OGTT test, a person's blood glucose level is measured after a fast and two hours after drinking a glucose-rich beverage. If the two-hour blood glucose level is between 140 and 199 mg/dl, the person tested has pre-diabetes. If the two-hour blood glucose level is at 200 mg/dl or higher, the person tested has diabetes"

My blood glucose has a high marker on it sometimes. I've complained for yrs how my blood sugar will drop like a rock sometimes in a minute & i'll almost pass out. It's never mattered to anyone.

The VA has never given the OGTT test. Only occasional blood glucose. Once, maybe twice a yr after 14 hrs of fasting & a three hr ride. Don't think they even tested it some yrs.

Hyperlipidemia, Hypercolesteralemia, visual disturbances, skin problems/ fungal related disorders , HBP, CNS involvement, mood swings/ depression, hypothyroidism, swollen/painfull calves & feet, seizures, headaches.

The list is so long, it overwhelms me and anyone I talk to for health care.

Thank you for your kindness and guidance Berta.

The truth is, we need more Dr Bash's across this country to resolve conflicting health issues for Veterans, not pay thugs to harrass vets into complying with the kingdoms demands.

Im standing my ground on these issues, even if I need to stand alone.


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  • HadIt.com Elder

I use the long lasting morphine and it constipates me so badly and upset my stomache every time I use it. I just use the percoset instead even though that is not adequate. They use morphine because it is cheap. What is so awful about oxycontin if it works. As if any opiate is not going to cause dependence? What prompted the VA to go breserk about you pain meds, Allan? How did they find out about the other pain management doctor?

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Hello John,

>How did they find out about the other pain management doctor?

My PCP at the Spokane clinic, said the VA doesn't carry oxycontin long acting, but he said I could get it through a local Dr. He said the VA would continue to send the breakthrough meds If thats what I didcided to do. Thats what it says in the records .

The day my local Dr wrote the script, I faxed a letter to the PCP in Spokane, months before I changed to this new one, informing him of the oxycontin prescription. I also provided the Name , address, PH & fax # of the local Dr & I faxed the local Dr the name ,address, fax# of the Spokane PCP, so they could comunicate if needed.

The VA & the local Dr were in sink & I recieved medications from both with no problems, untill the new PCP in Wenatchee used it to harrass me. Probably because I've been complaining to Spokane VAMC about scripts not being ordered on time by the PCP's.

oxycontin Is a better medicine for pain, with far less side effects.

Like I said, if it's out of line, I try to get it changed for everyone, not just me.



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How are things going now. This post really helps explain your position. it had occured to me that - yes, a doctor could have an issue if you were getting pain meds somewhere else and he wasn't aware of it -- as his license is on the line.

But for him to come in and throw such a fit about it - when you have been coodinating your pain management between the VA and a private provider ALL ALONG is totally uncalled for.

Even if he didn't want to continue the pratice - he had the duty to treat you like a human - and just notify you that though you have been geting your meds that way all along - he isn't comfortable being responsible for your pain management if it involves drugs the VA doesn't authorize. And give YOU the choice of whether you want to have your pain managed by the private doctor or the VA. (Couldn't you still get your drugs from the VA even if they are prescribed by a private doctor --as long as the VA carries them?)

So his over reaction was WAY out of line - changing your diagnoses and things. And especially refusing to write the script for the incontinence products. What are you going to do? Abuse the guards? Pee too much? What reason on earth could he use to justify his reaction because a Vet had been using two doctors for his pain management?

And he surely can't justify mistreating a Vet because the Vet chose to get a second opinion about his medical issues.

I am sorry he has seemed to manage to turn this back on YOU with your family. It seems like he is trying to convince them that your medical care is a stake - and if you don't "behave" you won't get appropriate medical care.

Free (I don't like bullies either)

Hello John,

>How did they find out about the other pain management doctor?

My PCP at the Spokane clinic, said the VA doesn't carry oxycontin long acting, but he said I could get it through a local Dr. He said the VA would continue to send the breakthrough meds If thats what I didcided to do. Thats what it says in the records .

The day my local Dr wrote the script, I faxed a letter to the PCP in Spokane, months before I changed to this new one, informing him of the oxycontin prescription. I also provided the Name , address, PH & fax # of the local Dr & I faxed the local Dr the name ,address, fax# of the Spokane PCP, so they could comunicate if needed.

The VA & the local Dr were in sink & I recieved medications from both with no problems, untill the new PCP in Wenatchee used it to harrass me. Probably because I've been complaining to Spokane VAMC about scripts not being ordered on time by the PCP's.

oxycontin Is a better medicine for pain, with far less side effects.

Like I said, if it's out of line, I try to get it changed for everyone, not just me.



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  • HadIt.com Elder

Hello Free, Berta & the rest of you good folks.

I've been spending time going through withdrawal symptoms from the controlled release(CR), oxycodone & oxycodone HCL for break through pain, I was recieving.

Family was able convince this VA Dr(?) to fill atleast the pain prescrpitions the local Wenatchee Dr prescribed. Long acting Morphine that that VA carries.

So much for quility of life with this crap. Brain never gets out of slumber stage. Pain level has increased, which causes me to take more percosets, which causes me to be more sedated feeling during awakened hrs. Makes me anxious & irritable that I can't function.

I've also been researching VAMC med records, looking for diagnoses & treatment dates of hypertention, diabetes, MS, Chronic pain, & urinary problems.

Most are claim issues, that have been pending for fourty yrs, that this new VAMC PCP has stated I no longer have, in my records or verbally.

He didn't provide "any" reasoning, medical bases or comment to support his changing these diagnoses.

Seems like he just went through the list of diagnoses i've been treated for & said I don't have them. Along with a statement", that I no longer "need" opoid medications.

Verbally, he keeps tossing out, "thats what you get, for going outside the VA for medical opinions & pain management".

He also repeated, "it is ilegal to recieve pain medications from two different Dr's at the same time"

He implied, that it was illegal to supply copies of my medical records to the local Dr for treatment of health issues.

He was trying to convince me & my family, that everything I've been doing is illegal & he wasn't going to treat me, because of it.

The Spokane VAMC Drs have been retaliating against me, using medications, for some time now.

Last yr, I complained several times over medications being witheld for a month sometimes.

Maybe thats why I found an illegal entry in my medical records by this same Dr the other day.

Theres an entry in my medical records, Jan 2007 by my last VAMC Dr, that states,"patient has no deffinate dx of MS".

This same facility has had a copy of Dr Bash's deffinate diagnosis of MS in their records since 2005, an award of NSC/Pension for T&P muitiple sclerosis, since 1997, a diagnosis of "Probable" multiple sclerosis, since 1994.

They have a C&P examination from their examiner that "service connects" everything i'm claiming since 1997, in their administration folder.

they have Social security records that find me T&P for MS since 1993.

They have records that show a diagnosis of:

Traumatic Brain Injury by a VA neurologist in Seattle,

Two traumatic spinal taps & treatment for a severe spinal tap headache

Brain Hemorage in voc-rehab records.

Ischemia/blood clot disorder.

Toxicosis due to prescribing to many antidepressents at one time, (for three yrs)

Mental health records show treatment for Multiple Sclerosis with dementia, MS with Moodswings, chronic depression, PTSD, anger outbreaks, anxiety/panic attacks.

Voc-rehab records show, an approval for ILS benefits, (pain chronically effects daily living).

Spinal records show a mass so large, the rediologists thought it was an aortic mass of somekind.

I guess, cervical, thoracic & lumbar stenosis/spondylosis with spurs touching the spinal cord, doesnt impress this Dr.

I no longer need pain medication, with the health records I have?

I have a claim in for MS & that may turn out to be the original cause of the urinary problems, but as it stands, I have a 20% SC for urinary problems, due to an inservice testicular mass. And this new PCP refuses to treat me for it.

I've requested a new Dr be assigned when this new VAMC opens in Wenatchee. More than likely, i'll have to make the 8 hr trip to Spokane instead, as additional punishment for complaining.

My family was able to convince this new one to finally except the prescriptions for pain, but he still refused to order an update of my spinal mri & the guards.

I have a new patient advocate helping me to start with. She's nice, but doesn't know if reporting patient abuse is her responcibility & doesn't know how to help if it is.

I've gone through most of these pains meds over the last fourty yrs of chronic pain and what the VA ended up prescribing a few yrs ago, has worked the best.

They prescribed 20mg of oxycodone(CR, one tab every 12 hrs, because i'm intolerant to methadone & morphine according to the VA's records.

And oxycodone(HCL)5mg, three tabs, three times a day for breakthrough pain.

According to current, VA/DOD clinical practice guidelines for the management of opoid therapy for chronic pain. Oxycodone controlled release(CR) is recomended for patients who experience intorlerable, unmanageable adverse effects to long acting Morphine and Methadone.

If the guidelines recomend prescribing this, than does it mean the VA carries this medication? If the VA prescribes it due to intoleribility of the other meds I've tried, than why is this doctor so intent on making sure I don't get it through the private Dr's as well?

My last VAMC Dr just said the VA doesn't carry it. He recomended I go see a private Dr to get the oxydodone CR. My records state this last spring, The VAMC would continue to supply the breakthrough meds this new PCP is raising hell about.

Pure harrasment is all I can think of.

Complely unprofessional, unethicle & illegal health care practice is what I see. Put in -place to take on the new vets coming home.

Lord help them If I don't see him get the justice he so much deserves.



How are things going now. This post really helps explain your position. it had occured to me that - yes, a doctor could have an issue if you were getting pain meds somewhere else and he wasn't aware of it -- as his license is on the line.

But for him to come in and throw such a fit about it - when you have been coodinating your pain management between the VA and a private provider ALL ALONG is totally uncalled for.

Even if he didn't want to continue the pratice - he had the duty to treat you like a human - and just notify you that though you have been geting your meds that way all along - he isn't comfortable being responsible for your pain management if it involves drugs the VA doesn't authorize. And give YOU the choice of whether you want to have your pain managed by the private doctor or the VA. (Couldn't you still get your drugs from the VA even if they are prescribed by a private doctor --as long as the VA carries them?)

So his over reaction was WAY out of line - changing your diagnoses and things. And especially refusing to write the script for the incontinence products. What are you going to do? Abuse the guards? Pee too much? What reason on earth could he use to justify his reaction because a Vet had been using two doctors for his pain management?

And he surely can't justify mistreating a Vet because the Vet chose to get a second opinion about his medical issues.

I am sorry he has seemed to manage to turn this back on YOU with your family. It seems like he is trying to convince them that your medical care is a stake - and if you don't "behave" you won't get appropriate medical care.

Free (I don't like bullies either)

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So much for caring for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.

Speaking of widows and orphans maybe you should ask the patient advocate what types of documents the VA can provide you with concerning your VA care at this time to make sure your wife will get the benefits to which she will be entitled to after the VA kills you.

Just keep asking - can I have a copy of that for my wife's claim against the VA. I just want to make sure she is taken care of after you have killed me.

That is totally ridiculous that they aren't giving you the guards anymore. And evidence that their actions are retaliatory and petty - rather than "in your best interest."

They might be able to justify the pain med thing. Not that they are in the right - but they can write it up in a way that makes it APPEAR to be justified. But I can't see how they can write up the refusal to provide you with guards as a justifiable action.


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    • These decisions have made a big impact on how VA disability claims are handled, giving veterans more chances to get benefits and clearing up important issues.

      Service Connection

      Frost v. Shulkin (2017)
      This case established that for secondary service connection claims, the primary service-connected disability does not need to be service-connected or diagnosed at the time the secondary condition is incurred 1. This allows veterans to potentially receive secondary service connection for conditions that developed before their primary condition was officially service-connected. 

      Saunders v. Wilkie (2018)
      The Federal Circuit ruled that pain alone, without an accompanying diagnosed condition, can constitute a disability for VA compensation purposes if it results in functional impairment 1. This overturned previous precedent that required an underlying pathology for pain to be considered a disability.

      Effective Dates

      Martinez v. McDonough (2023)
      This case dealt with the denial of an earlier effective date for a total disability rating based on individual unemployability (TDIU) 2. It addressed issues around the validity of appeal withdrawals and the consideration of cognitive impairment in such decisions.

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      This has to be MEDICALLY Documented in your records:

      Current Diagnosis.   (No diagnosis, no Service Connection.)

      In-Service Event or Aggravation.
      Nexus (link- cause and effect- connection) or Doctor’s Statement close to: “The Veteran’s (current diagnosis) is at least as likely due to x Event in military service”
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    • VA has gotten away with (mis) interpreting their  ambigious, , vague regulations, then enforcing them willy nilly never in Veterans favor.  

      They justify all this to congress by calling themselves a "pro claimant Veteran friendly organization" who grants the benefit of the doubt to Veterans.  

      This is not true, 


          About 80-90 percent of Veterans are initially denied by VA, pushing us into a massive backlog of appeals, or worse, sending impoverished Veterans "to the homeless streets" because  when they cant work, they can not keep their home.  I was one of those Veterans who they denied for a bogus reason:  "Its been too long since military service".  This is bogus because its not one of the criteria for service connection, but simply made up by VA.  And, I was a homeless Vet, albeit a short time,  mostly due to the kindness of strangers and friends. 

          Hadit would not be necessary if, indeed, VA gave Veterans the benefit of the doubt, and processed our claims efficiently and paid us promptly.  The VA is broken. 

          A huge percentage (nearly 100 percent) of Veterans who do get 100 percent, do so only after lengthy appeals.  I have answered questions for thousands of Veterans, and can only name ONE person who got their benefits correct on the first Regional Office decision.  All of the rest of us pretty much had lengthy frustrating appeals, mostly having to appeal multiple multiple times like I did. 

          I wish I know how VA gets away with lying to congress about how "VA is a claimant friendly system, where the Veteran is given the benefit of the doubt".   Then how come so many Veterans are homeless, and how come 22 Veterans take their life each day?  Va likes to blame the Veterans, not their system.   
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