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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by stillhere

  1. John the clerk is BSing you the amendment was passed by both houses before it was placed on the ballot! The only thing the different county governments need is how to handle the claims! The law passed and signed by the governor and then passed by referendum to amend the constitution clearly states Jan 1, 2011 as to the date it goes into effect. Now my clerk did say that they probably will not have the operational part done until March but I have contacted my lender and asked them to waive any further escrow payment to my account based on this. I am refusing to send them anymore escrow money accept for insurance! Why should I send them money to earn interest on when it is going to be returned to me without interest?? The lender is doing some kind of investigation into it now and said they will get back to me. I just made my last two payments for the year minus any escrow because my taxes for half the year have been paid! Trust me they don't like me much but the law is the law! I'll sue if they damage my credit or anything else and they know that. I have a VA loan on the property so they better watch out if they want to keep their rating.
  2. The type of cancer is a start as j says but does he remember what unit he was with? If he served in an engineer unit (that is what it sounds like to me) Then all his DD-214 needs to say is the unit then we can find what they did in Nam while based in Thailand and the time frame! Surprised the VA or a VSO did not go the extra mile for him? Find out the cancer type. Find out the unit he served with. Find out the times he served in country. Then we can or you or he can google and find something. This is not a hard thing to do.
  3. While I have money in the bank I still have not received a letter of favorable decision. Also I did get a letter yesterday from SS to set up a password at their site and saw all my info as far as award amount date and all that stuff. Any members get awarded for SSDI lately not get a letter? I also would like to have a copy of how and what they decided just for my files.
  4. Unfortunately this is the way the system goes. I don't like it and many vets don't like it and have suffered and been damaged almost beyond repair. I would suggest you contact some of the military orgs.in your area like the AL, and VFW some have funds set aside just for this reason. Also contact your creditors and tell them what is going on and that you will definitely get caught up after you get your awards. This helped me a great deal. But my credit rating still to a hit but not unrepairable. As far as the SSDI that can be a savior I have heard of late of getting approved by them sooner than later. Make sure your lawyer understand that you are in financial trouble and push to get this through. You can also ask for Hardship from the VA and get your claim expedited! Good luck to you and your vet and make sure you keep an eye on him! This business of dealing with the VA and bills is very stressful and not good for us that suffer from PTSD!
  5. A General discharge should not hold you back for benefits. This is going to take a while to do with the backlogs of claims at the VA. You may have to wait a few months before you hear anything on this. I would suggest you make other arrangements to hold you over until then. Good Luck to you and welcome to hadit!
  6. Tbird, I had this happen to be recently in Virginia. I put in for disability exemption for real estate taxes and when I filled out the paper work it only asked for SS payments and railroad I think? Anyhow did not put VA payments down. They called me and said they have to include ALL INCOME and that included my VA. With that added in and the wife's we made to much!? Will not have to do that in Virginia now because they just passed an amendment to the Virginia constitution exempting all 100% P&T vets without regard to income! looking forward to not having to pay taxes!! This is a great benefit finally in a state that lives and breathes military!
  7. Did they say what the C&P is for? Before it seems you were rated heart disease secondary to PTSD. If this is a heart C&P then you could come out of it with not only a direct SC but also a higher rating.
  8. I stand by my post that he is already rated for heart disease as the VA stated in their Iris. For you to get Nehmer for a higher rating for your IHD just might be the way to go. Especially if you had bypass and or heart surgery by the VA or let the VA know. These surgeries should have granted you a 100% rating for 3 months as mine did.
  9. RDT and Berta, In your/his very first post he states above " I am rated 10% for hypertension and 10% for CAD coronary heart disease! It does not matter if it is PTSD or AO you are rated SC! The VA did in fact address it in your claim. Am I the ONLY one seeing this or missing something???
  10. one other thing the VA might be doing is saying that your heart is already being compensated for. Whether it is PTSD or whatever if you are being compensated for it then that is it. Just like in my case I was being compensated since 2005 after my MI secondary to my DM2. I can not be compensated again because I was also in Vietnam and exposed to AO. Maybe that will clear this up for you. of course as Berta mentioned you could ask for and increase. now that will be based on the condition of your heart now and not whether it is associated with AO or PTSD. It is kind of like a body part can only be SC ONCE.
  11. Which RO are you dealing with? You are 80% disabled rated by the VA? Then you must know how the system works or you had a good VSO working for you it would seem. I once on one of my claims had an occassion where the VA did not address a condition I applied for. When I got the decision on the other condition I asked reight away about my other conditions and got that looked at. I agree with j basser on this you might want to sit down with a lawyer.
  12. Your best way to do a feeler as you call it of fishing is to ask your PCP for a MH consult with a shrink and see what they say. If you are having problems like anxiety and depression you should be in tretment anyway. A persons mind is so different and what we can take or not take.
  13. I don't think you can collect unemployment benefits when the SS kicks in. This is a No No because on your application you state you will actively look for and accept employment if offered. If you are on SS I think you can't do that. others have answered your other concerns.
  14. If you were granted Service Connection in 2000 for cad then it would be a moot point because you can only be granted once for each body condition. i was granted in 2005 CAD secondary to Diabetes 2 at 60% so I can not claim IHD. But hey I was getting my compensation before a lot of other vets. Let us know what it is you are trying to accomplish and we can try and help.
  15. Do you have PTSD? Have you been DXed by a VA shrink?
  16. Well thanks all! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of Hadit!! THE BEST PLACE FOR A VET!!
  17. Slang what did they tell you CVET stood for? I am not seeing anything coming up about that!?
  18. Hey Berta thanks but wanted to clarify this is for my SSDI! I have sent in the IHD reconsideration yet I was waiting until a few more of the IHD claims are done!
  19. Congratulation Sandra wishing you a very merry Christmas! No the day limit does not apply to you. The VA just needs to round up enough folks to sign the BIG check!! I hope you have direct deposit because it seems to go quicker!
  20. Well I have the money in the bank so I am guessing the fully favorable part!! But I am done!!!
  21. WELL I'll be!! Just to clear all things up I went to my bank account on line and THE MONEY IS THERE!! Only 2 months retro but hey it is there! I will just wait on the letter! Now just need o keep myself healthy enough to enjoy this for a few years! my wife actually sees to that part you will not let me do hardly anything and really gets on me when I do!! Thanks all for the help along the way! John I think it was said I should be a slam dunk! Guess he was right! I did all my own paper work applied online and sent most of my records in. They did have me go to a shrink and a hearing test but that was it. Goes to show you can get awarded the first time IF the conditions are there and you can back it up! man I am so relieved I am going to have to calm myself down or take a pill! Filed July 20th approved Dec.20 not bad I guess!!
  22. Well went to the SS site and clicked on the application status thing. Put in the social and my number and waited for it to say still with DDS and in review. But this time it says Decision Made! Of course does not say what it is! Went to their version of the 800# that like the VA does not tell you anything! After a bunch of prompts I get a live person and ask what my status is and tell her I am calling because the online site said a decision has been made. She tells me wait for the letter after a bunch of holding!?! So my question to those that have been there and done that what do you all think I am looking at?? Thanks for replies and Merry Christmas to you and yours for the holidays!
  23. I too would like to add my congrats!! And like John said it sure as hell is lousy way to ge SC! The VA did the same to me. Denied in 03 and then again in 05 and then 30 days later I had two heart attacks. VA granted me SC but only till the date of my heart attack. Which is total BS! If you have blocked arteries it does not just happen over nite it builds up for years!! Again Kelley very glad you are still alive to enjoy! Now take it easy and live to at least 90!
  24. When were they in? There is a time frame established by the military for required time served. Also if this was a pre exiting condition that would come into play too.
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