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HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by GBArmy

  1. SHef You are correct. The VA has to develop your claim, including a further eval to determine the extent of your disabilities. That is they need to figure out an appropriate rate for your disability by a thorough eval of all your symptoms. Thtt' how it works. They don't have that detail in your file, so the reason for another C&P. If you have more than one separate MH issue, they have to include that as part of your ratings. You're going to be ok; just go to the eval and be honest and open about all your symptoms. Keep us informed on progress so we can advise as things develop for you.
  2. Now, if you are lucky enough to get 100%, here is something you could consider. Maybe, you don't need an extra $3100 a month. Not for me to say. What you could do is set aside every month (for a while) say 10 or 20% and donate it to a veteran charity you believe in. I set aside money every month because a disability is tax free, so I figure I'm not losing anything and it will go to a good cause. As you know, your disabilities will not get any better with the passage of time. More than likely your disabilities that you are s-c for will begin to take a more damaging toll on your ability to work. You can always revisit the idea of setting money aside in the future. Wait for your decision letter and think about it.
  3. JPX31 Whoa!!! No, you should not try to down grade your ratings, unless you used fraud to get them. Absolutely not. You raise your right hand go where they tell you to go and do what they tell you to do. You go in at 100% ready to go. If your service results in you coming out less than that, the VA owes you. Your wife is correct. On top of that, the VA gets about $240 Billion a year budget. Do you really think that if you turn $ down, it is going to make any difference to them to give to someone else? Not. But one very serious note of caution. Don't expect anything until you get a decision letter in writting. Verbal stuff just doesn't result in the same final decisions often times. Conrats; you earned it!
  4. Bronc, good story to have with your morning coffee. "Pay attention to detail"; absolutely!
  5. Thanks James to a guy who "has been there, done that." Sound advice for those who may consider filing a claim.
  6. This has been going on for a while. HD seems to be patriotic, but doesn't try real hard when you compare to Lowes. In fact, I just now came back from Lowes and 10% discount, automatic. Just sign up once and when you do make a purchase, you just give them your phone number and they verify. Just like that-no problem. When I have a choice, I alway choose Lowes.
  7. Fat MOS is very important in determining s-c. If it is rated as low on the scale it is very hard to get service connected regardless of how good or bad your hearing is. That isn't the last word, however. If your MOS is rated low for s-c, it still is possible to get s-c. You need to submit a statement in support of the claim describing the events or conditions that you were exposed to OUTSIDE your normal MOS. For an example, say you were a cook, or you worked in some admin capacity that has a low rating on the MOS scale. If you were exposed because of something you had to do that normally wouldn't show up as part of your MOS and you successfully described those conditions, you could be grated s-c. Say you were in admin in the USAF and had to hand carry orders to an officer on the flight line routinely, that could work. Exposure to the jet engine noise caused your hearing problem. In that example, as in many cases, it probably would help if you obtained another Buddy Letter from someone who could confirm your situation. This situation can work, but if you just rely on your MOS normal exposure rating, you won't get very far.
  8. I pretty much agree with the advise from brokensoldier and Miken2c74. It probably varies somewhat from ro to ro, but I don't think receiving a rating higher than 0% for hearing would be considered pegged to a low threshold. From what I have experienced and what I have observed the standard for a monetary grant for 10% or higher seems to be fairly hard to get. Not saying you don't have a hearing issue, but the VA sets a standard that it has to be pretty poor just to get the minimum. I've seen several veterans with obvious hearing problems receive the tinnitus rating (10%) but be rated 0% for hearing. I would also suggest that if you do get a low rating, even 0% you should try again in a year or two. Many are successful on the second attempt. IMHO
  9. I agree with Bronc on this; your best course of action is to the BVA with new additional evidence. If you can get a buddy letter from someone you were in basic with or your reserve unit right after basic that could talk to how you started to exhibit symptoms, that would really help your position. Same with buddy letters from your wife or other family member. Don't forget your own statement in support of the claim too. If you are willing to foot the bill, it might be worth the expense to get another supporting IMO from a specialist that can also back up with a strong nexus. The reason I say this is it is going to go to the BVA, and after several attempts, you want to get it right this time. If denied, it really is going to be difficult to start over. Just consider what you have and if it doesn't seem strong enough, check another source out IMHO.
  10. That's super news! Congrats. You are a great example of people sticking to it and doing what has to be done to beat the machine. Great news indeed!
  11. helpingvets614 If I understand you correctly, you worked on aircraft that served in Vietnam, correct. Were any C123s? When did you work on them? It is possible to prove presumptive, but it will take a lot of work. Check this https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/locations/residue-c123-aircraft/index.asp
  12. FlyboyLeRoy Th HLR 125 days estimate is a goal, not actually what they estimate your claim will be completed. Good news though; the numbers they are reporting say they are now beating the 125 days. Find something to do for a while. I hear fishing is good. :>)
  13. Berta Forgive me, you are a wonderful person and have helped countless veterans over the years, but you don't get it. We don't want to hear this. It is personal; we don't need personal. Please don't get mad at me, but this kind of dialog is detrimental to Hadit. I believe it is my duty as Forum Maintainer to tell you.
  14. Broken We appreciate your inputs on the inner-workings of the VA. Just a little info from knowledgeable people such as yourself provides a little easing of the mystery if you know what I mean. Thanks.
  15. Buck I didn't think about the diagnosis being the driver for specific meds; very good point. Gotcha on the number of ratings you have; it also provides a little more chance for DIC for your spouse if S-C disability caused or contributed to your death. Very important not to be overlooked.You got some major obstacles to overcome. The 1 year limitation on claim submittal (for presumptive), and getting an accurate diagnosis. What I talked about in the prior post though I believe the bill have a good chance to go thru. My Congressman has invested a lot of energy over several years to get the time limitation removed from the AO presumptive requirements. I believe it will be included in some future legislation. How far into the future, though is anyone's guess.
  16. I haven't been on this site as long as many of you folks and I know far less than many of you. But this site is truly amazing; the amount of knowledge we have collectively is fantastic. It is a source of information and guidance not only for the veteran who is asking the question, but countless more who have the same issues to solve. I think we have to pause every once in a while and think about that. But something else we have to think about is we are all different. Different backgrounds, education, experiences, etc. That is such a gift for this site because it provide sometimes different responses to veterans' problems based on our individual experiences. Sometimes we disagree. Ok, so we disagree. If in our hearts we know the response was wrong, I think we have a responsibility to offer our own opinion so at least the veteran can have a chance of getting the proper advice. But we have to do this in a respectful way. We have got to try and make it not personal. Don't attack the other person; express why your answer would be of greater help. No one spends all this time and effort advising veterans unless they want to help veterans, our brothers and sisters. That's why we are on here folks. And I will tell you something: when we bicker and go back and forth on a personal level, it is aBIG TURNOFF. People read it and say "I don't need this kind of kid stuff" and turn away from Hadit. Guess what, we lose the very people we are dedicated to help. Please take Ms Tbird's advise; if you try and can't resolve, just put them on the ignore list. Or take it off-line by messaging. Or both. I'm telling you this behaviour make the great advisors quit and go away and it drives the very people we try to help away also.
  17. Buck Dumb question: you are rated over 50% s-c, if the VA prescribes the creams and other meds, why aren't they paid for by the VA?
  18. This would give you an ballpark idea how he would make out http://www.militarydisabilitymadeeasy.com/shoulderandarmmuscles.html
  19. I'd submit a statement in your claim that you never were in reserves in VA.gov where you submit/download additional evidence. And then I would ask for clarification that they acknowledge it in IRIS.
  20. I should add that is the veteran is "SURE" he should be rated at 20%, the question is why? If the C&P was totally in-accurate, say they didn't measure his extension, etc. then he could try a HLR. It has to be pretty obvious that the examiner made mistakes though for HLR to work.
  21. If his symptoms meet the criteria, and he is already s-c for it already, the BVA "usually" will eval and remand that the RO re-eval the symptoms. That would basically say that he meets a higher rating. If the C&P has been a while, the RO might consider another C&P to see how much (worse) his elbow is from the last exam. I believe that the BVA can, on occasion, determine the rate and remand back, however, to figure the total comp.
  22. Buck There is a bill in the House of Rep. #566, AO Exposure Fairness Act that aims to remove the 1 yr time period from leaving Vietnam and claiming a cloracne disability. I think it is still active. There is a veteran that has been fighting the fight tor remove the time restrictions for many years and I have met him a few times. If you are interested, message me and I could give you his contact #. My thinking he might have some insight on getting a good diagnosis first; it isn't going to be something a regular dermatologist is going to ID. But, I also believe it is only a 10% disability, so I don't know how much that would help you personally.
  23. Good post by Shrek. Just common sense. Not only would the individual be at constant risk of an accident, etc., but what about those in close contact with him. What about possible cross contamination, basic health precautions from getting handling blood spills, etc. Puts others at risk for no acceptable reason. Common sense.
  24. Hi Texasvet Short answer is if you are P&T, then no. You can always fall back on the fact that you didn't want to risk getting the virus and they are supposed to honor that reason for missing anyway. But, If you are rated for 7 years and 65, no, But maybe there is something in the "having your cake and eating it to" category. Several of the VAMC are opening up on a limited basis now, and in a few weeks many more will also. Have you tried to set up a video conference, telmed or whatever they call it? A lot of MH sessions are being conducted that way now and maybe your doc does that. Contact him and see. It is best if you continue your sessions to stay on course with your treatment and it is better for you and your family if you do.
  25. Jfrei You probably already have been in contact with this VA section but I found this listing https://www.va.gov/HOMELESS/ssvf/docs/FY_20_SSVF_Providers_Updated_June2020.xlsx These agencies are supposed to be connected to the VA and work to provide for homeless and to help prevent the situation for veterans at risk of losing their existing homes. Maybe something there for you?
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