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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. What Berta said is true. About 1-2 yrs ago, I won a CUE claim, dating back 20yrs, thereby allowing my 40yo daughter to pick her Chapter 35 dates. Of course the local RO is still giving her a problem, w/her claim but we know she'll win, in the end. I should point out that the DRO, at my VT VARO, explained to me exactly what to do, and how to do it, and we are forever greatful, for his advice and help. pr
  2. Why should you be different??? The rules apply to all. No offense, but you knew about the rules, or should have, when you entered the service and now you think they should change it, just because you think so. Why not work to get it changed, if you feel that strongly, instead of just b*tching about it. jmo - I do sorta agree about all the deadlines "we have" but the VA doesn't. The country is losing 18 a day to suicide . . . just think how much they've saved already!!! They have never cared about veterans and probably never will. Just keep up the good fight cuz you earned every bit you get!!!! again, jmo pr
  3. Based on what she posted and some assumption on my part, he's NG or an Army Reservist and if so shouldn't have been awarded SC, for ALS, if based on AO exposure. We/I'll wait for more info, before offer my opinion/help.
  4. F*&^king idiot VSO's!!!!!!!!(sorry for the language but sometimes no other word(s) fit) I swear they work for the VA. Have him apply for TDIU, like yesterday! I think w/what's happening these days he'll get it and the VA will figure out how to pay for it later. I see an awful lot of claims being approved lately, that probably wouldn't have been approved previously. jmo pr
  5. She knew the rules at the beginning and if she didn't that's a different matter. If I recall correctly, 10 yr expiration date, with maximum of 45 months paid benefit. That sure sounds fair to me. Not to be a hard a** but if she doesn't use it, in time, who's fault is that??? It sure isn't the VA's fault! I hope she can get the extension but I seriously doubt it. If you can prove me wrong I'd love to hear it! Now, if for any medical or hardship reason, she was unable to attend school she could probably get an extension, but I believe that would be the only reasons for an extension. The deadline is 10 yrs, whether full-time, half-time or quarter-time. jmo pr
  6. I agree, w/Pete, unless you have a spouse and you haven't met the 10yr/DIC requirement/criteria, yet. Of course, it will SC any diseases/disabilities caused by the alcoholism, which could bring comp in the future. jmo pr
  7. I was able to SC it secondary to my SC PTSD. It took 10 yrs, way back in the day, but I got it. All I needed was statements from my docs and counselors. They originally denied due to willful misconduct but reversed that. pr
  8. I still see a problem with their "Fast Letter." See the bold underlined portions. They state "independently rated at 60% but then use a combined evaluation of 60%." WacVet75 and I discussed this previously, here, and the RO's are still using the combined ratings standard, rather than independently rated standard. I called the NVLSP offices, for an official clarification, but needed to wait for a call back and I'm unavailable at this time to wait for the call back. New Evidentiary Standard Based on the Court
  9. My guess would be sooner, or later! ;-) Though it could be a week to 90 days and I'm hoping for any day now. Keep checking your account, if you opted for direct deposit. jmo pr
  10. j- that's what I'm hoping to do, w/my claim. It's been back and forth for 20 yrs and it was just remanded, back to the BVA, after another RO denial. In the mean time I recommend all who may should file, now, and not wait. Thanks!! pr
  11. How old are you and how long have you had your ratings?? pr
  12. I would use the last day you worked a fulltime 40 hr a week job, earning more than $900 a month. They will go by your SSA work history. jmo pr
  13. Yes, delta, I believe they are and I believe failure to get them would be a CUE. jmo pr
  14. I've never filed online but I can't see any reason not to. As for someone to help w/the process, that's a personal thing. I believe you can find all the help you need by asking questions, here, and then it's up to you to follow thru. I've found most VSO's, I've come in contact with, to be severely lacking in any skills, except maybe their golf game. This is not to say "all" are lazy and worthless but in my experience, I find them wasting space on this earth. For about $135-$140 you can purchase the Veterans Benefits Manual (VBM), thru the National Veterans Legal Services Program <http://www.nvlsp.org> and do it yourself, much better than any VSO. Well worth the price!!! jmo Can someone hyperlink that for me? pr
  15. The main problem is there is no legal definition of the word substantially. I've looked everywhere. They keep using the same reasoning when denying my HB claim. I attend weekly VA groups and other appointments, on an as needed basis. To me substantially would mean more than 50% of the time. More like 80% of the time but the VA doesn't see it that way. jmo pr
  16. I don't know who this was directed at but carlie posted the reasons(see link). pr
  17. And you believed her???????? hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Good luck!! Just funnin' with ya! pr
  18. I believe you could win, if the claim is still open. If the claim has been closed and proper procedures were followed it may be more difficult. jmo pr
  19. As for the claim number, back in the 60's and 70's, the VA issued their own numbers. Later on, like the military, I believe they started using SSN's, which were also started being used as service numbers, in the late 60's. I was issued a claim number back in the early 70's, that is neither my SSN, nor service number. It is my same claim number today. You should also request an FOIA copy of your complete c-file to see what was done, then, with that old claim. It is possible they failed to adjudicate or close that claim and you could have an existing claim open. It wouldn't be the first time. jmo pr
  20. Yes, you should continue. The VA pays a maximum of about $6k-$7k monthly, to "deserving disabled veterans," thru Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) awards. Additionally, if you are not past the 10 yr mark, where the VA pays DIC to your spouse, for any cause of death, you need to SC everything you can, just in case, to protect them. pr
  21. File your application, for TDIU, today. Don't wait for a decision, do it NOW!!! pr
  22. I don't think you can do better than Ken Carpenter. pr
  23. J - I continue to disagree!!! The additional ratings do not need to be combined, altho that is how the VA is apparently administering it at present. The additional ratings need only "add up" to the additional 60%. Anyone who's additional ratings add up to 60% should apply for the SMC "s" award, and if denied, appeal, appeal, appeal . . . . It's like money in the bank. When you win you'll get a nice retro check. Or you can listen to the VA and others(J) and not apply and get nothing, zero, zip, etc. It's your choice! jmo sorry J! pr
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