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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. If you're 100% you should be eligible for SSDI and Medicare. I use mine for real care by real doctors. I use VA for meds and simple care. jmo pr
  2. Sounds very favorable to you succeeding w/your TDIU claim. jmo pr
  3. How about you just do it yourself?? No one cares about your claim like you do. You really don't "need" a rep. jmo pr
  4. Stickman - I'm not positive but I believe there are no copays if you're rated 50% or over, or if the treatment is for a SC disease/injury. pr
  5. Berta - the widow I helped, received a new Chap 35 award when he died, w/over 10 yrs P&T. She also received a Chap 35 award when he was awarded P&T status, over 10 yrs ago, but never used it. I seem to recall that a new spouse becomes eligible when she becomes the new spouse. I think I saw that in a clarification by the VA lawyer OGC decision or whatever they're called. So if I married a man or woman, w/3 minor children, they would all become eligible for Chap 35 benefits, plus ChampVA. pr
  6. If you've received a new reduction notice, maybe you should file another hearing request just to protect yourself. I'd refrain from using words like unemployed but better to use "unemployable." Also don't count on your DAV rep. I had one at my SSDI hearing and he knew nothing about my case or the VA rules. I suggest you write everything down so you don't forget, while you're there. They usually allow about an hour for each hearing. jmo pr
  7. OK, I'll give you credit for not caring what others think!! They do take a little while to get used to, but if you can't get used to them you may want to try a different ear piece. Check w/the hearing aid people, as they make a few different models. If the enemy will wait that would be good, too!! ;-) pr
  8. ncjoe1970 - life can get better but it takes a while. You'll never be who you were before PTSD but believe it or not you can be very proud of who you will be. Stay in counseling. Take meds on occasion, if needed. These days I rarely get angry because I kinda realize it doesn't help anything. I still have problems becoming close with others cuz I don't want the pain that will come w/it. Stay safe, bro! pr
  9. You should engage your brain and wear your hearing aids. They'll improve the quality of your life and of those around you, as they won't have to repeat so much of what they say. I know you don't wear them, due to vanity, but "really" what do you care about what people you don't even know or will probably ever see again, think of you or the fact that you need hearing aids!! I suppose you wouldn't use a wheelchair, if you needed one, either . . . you'd rather show how macho you are by crawling on the ground. Sorry to be so hard, on you, but it's attitudes like yours that make people not want to wear them. I'll bet Pete Townsend wishes he wore ear protection!!! Same difference. jmo I wear mine regularly and since I've gotten them now hear sounds on the radio I haven't heard for yrs. It took me a little while to get used to hearing sounds I haven't heard in yrs and that I never knew I was missing them. pr
  10. You should be all set. The VA comp will carry a lot of weight w/the judge. Just relax and listen to your lawyer. jmo pr
  11. They pay 41.5 cents per mile, round trip from your residence to your appointment and back home. The first 3x a month they deduct $6 per round trip and that goes into your VAMC's "slush fund." Lately they only pay zip code to zip code, rather than actual mileage. They don't allow travel pay if you car pool and actually consider it "fraud" if you try to claim it. They also only pay to the nearest VAMC or CBOC. pr
  12. There may or may not be, depending on when you found out. It's worth checking on. pr
  13. Greg88 - remember to mention at your hearing that they have violated their own rules by proposing the reduction, as you are somewhat protected from reduction based on your history of 16yrs. After 10 yrs, the VA cannot reduce based on one exam but can only reduce based on the complete history/record and there must be improvement shown. Type 1 diabetes "does not" improve but is managed by taking insulin. Also if they are to reduce, they may not reduce lower than the previous rating, which is why, I feel, they corrected it to 70%, as you may have been at 70% prior to the 100% 16 yrs ago. I also suggest that you check your VA medical records for any mention of ED, as it could mean a retro claim & award is possible. jmo pr
  14. free_spirit - have you contacted any of the private law firms for an asbestos claim? If not, maybe you should. jmo pr
  15. John - I use a FX Nasal Pillow system, by ResMed I think, w/fairly good results. I get my nasal pillows replaced twice a month thru Medicare, as the silicone breaks down quickly. VA only replaces masks and stuff every 6 months, if you're lucky. I'm on a B-PAP now, w/pressures of 26 & 14. I need oxygen, at night only, and just replaced my Medicare providers w/VA providers, so it's not using up my Medicare maximum allowance. I was pleased w/the VA's quick response to my need. Saw VA pulmonology this past Monday and had my setup delivered Wednesday. pr
  16. I agree! File the claim and then get a complete copy of his C-file. Ya never know what you'll find. pr
  17. We lived in Meredith, NH, during the late 70's, where my neighbor worked at the asbestos plant, in the center of downtown. He came home w/the asbestos powder on his clothes everyday. He died in his early 40's of asbestosis. There were so many car parts and building materials that had asbestos in them. The local plant used to dump their waste at our local dump. When I hired the attys, for my Mom's case, they flew out to see me and brought photo catalogs of asbestos laden products to help me ID some of those that we were exposed to during her lifetime. I now get my lungs x-rayed at least once a yr, just in case. pr
  18. I think you want your DA form 20, which shows everything, including schools, entry test scores, dates of rank, Article 15's & court martials, reassignments, duty stations, physical and discharge exams, sick calls, etc., etc. I think it was or is still called a 201 file. You should also ask for an updated DD-215. pr
  19. Okay, Carlie, we'll agree to disagree. I read Jones v Scheshinski (or whoever) and I stand by my statement, to my way of thinking. ;-) pr
  20. The same goes for all the old schools that had heating pipes wrapped in asbestos, when we were kids. There is no cure and you will eventually die of asbestos exposure, if something else doesn't kill ya first. I did some research when my Mom died of mesothelioma in 2004. You'd be surprised what had/has asbestos in it. pr
  21. Usually "waiting for signatures" has turned out to mean awarded but ya never know w/the VA. They can and do anything they want w/o worry of recourse. Eligibility, to me, means do you qualify as a veteran or wartime veteran, and for what period, honorable service vs general discharge, etc, etc. But I could be wrong. What I do know is don't count on the AMC. They called me to ask if I'd continue my appeal if I won my claim and then denied me. pr
  22. Absolutely, Berta, you should go for it. I'm helping my ex pursue a claim for Chap 35, while we were married, based on a CUE. I won a CUE for Chap 35 dating back to 1989. We were married from 1985 - 2000 and she went to school from 1991-1994. We're requesting, for her, either re-imbursement for tuition/fees paid or 48 months of school now, as she should have been eligible back in 1991-1994, but for the CUE. The VA has now mixed up the claim with my daughters claim and who knows what's going on. You go for it!! BTW, do you know if a spouse can go to school on one spouse's benefit, and then later go again on another spouse's benefit?? Or are they limited to just one shot?? Also if I remarried now, my new spouse should be eligible - correct?? Flip
  23. My doc sure doesn't over prescribe. I asked to go from 2-50mg tramadol daily to 3-50mg tramadol daily, for back and knee pain, and was told 100mg a day is the max. B*tch!!! My private doc says he can do up to 500mg a day, with no problem, so I get the one extra I need daily, from him. I understand, in some ways, because some vets have been caught selling their percocets, etc., or so I've heard on TV, that they bring big money but I don't understand why anyone would risk it. jmo pr
  24. Carlie - sorry to disagree but meds can't be factored in. I've taken psyche meds 3 times during my 10yr appeal, each time for less than 2 -3 months. I know they mention them in the C&P exam report(s) and in counseling but they are not required. They can't require an amputee to use their prostheses anymore than they can require someone to take diabetes meds, or meds for HBP, or use a C-pap for sleep apnea. They have to rate you on your symptom(s)/condition(s). pr
  25. free spirit - FYI - 4.19 has nothing to do w/the 55yo aspect in the application of P&T. (If I interpreted your post correctly) pr
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