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HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by john999

  1. Besides getting OSA SC'ed is everyone being successful in treatment? I have not been successful. Doctor says because of the shape of my nose it is hard to get a good seal? I guess that part must be true since I often wake up with the mask squealing and leaking. Other times my nose and face is very sore so I can't wear the mask. I have been through many masks. My private doctor is a real nerd and it often feels like I am in "Wonderland" when I am talking to him but he supposed to be the best in my area. I deal with doctor, sleep lab, Bpap provider, insurance company and medicare. I can't seem to get them all in line. For the last year I have been dealing with this frustrating situation and feeling very sleepy.
  2. What you want to do is have your own private doctor look at the C&P and your medical records and explain your limitations and secondary conditions to the original SC condition and the surgery you had. The VA puts almost no weight to what you say since you are not a doctor. This is called an IME or an IMO and is one of the main tools vets can use to fight bad C&P exams and to add medical evidence to your file. I have the same problem as you. I had something called cyrosurgery that was supposed to kill the nerve in my arch. I ended up getting a horrible staff infection and had a surgery and spent 40 days on IV anti-biotics. Flat feet and High Arches should probably just be left alone, but I think the VA owes you for all the secondary conditions you now have. John
  3. I don't think there is any way to know, but sooner rather than later probably since you have had your C&P exams.
  4. If your OSA is treated it will sure help your depression. OSA is not causing your PTSD. It is not helping it. If you can somehow show your OSA is service connected that would be great.
  5. If we could all lose 30-40 lbs and be 25 years old again all our problems with our back would go away.
  6. If you have CAR your stressor is conceded. You don't have to prove it. You just have to write it up as you remember it. Just choose the worst incident you can remember. I don't know why the VA is stalling your claim. You have DX of PTSD. You have combat stressor. Yours is an easy one. John
  7. Rdawg I am very interested in what Dr. Bash had to say. I, too, have sleep apnea and I believe it is due to weight gain from anti-depressants and pain meds from the VA. I also have DMI due to AO. I am wondering if I could get the apnea as secondary to mental conditions and DmII and PN (which makes it hard to exercise). I take a lot of pills from the VA that slow me down including blood pressure meds and meds for cad which SC. I just developed apnea in the last few years since these things were SC'ed. I don't mean to hijack this thread but your post really rang a bell I had not considered and I don't think Rover considered it either. John
  8. I am encouraging Berta to write a short book on DIC and I will be first to buy it for my wife. Berta is an expert on my VA areas, but DIC and 1151 are special areas of expertise.
  9. If your SMR's do not show treatment, DX or complaints of sleep apnea, and that is what they are basing their denial on then the buddy letters are about all you have. If, however, they are saying you don't have a current DX of sleep apnea based on VA or private records that would be a factual error. The VA sure does not like to SC sleep apnea after a vet is out of the service unless he was treated for it while in the service.
  10. Did they show you the secret handshake, Papa? Getting dental from the VA is like getting into Ft. Knox. John
  11. Do you have any combat awards such as "combat action badge" or CIB? This should open the door wide for PTSD claim.
  12. The VA knows this is hard on you. They know many will give up. This is where you have to hang in there and go through the motions. I am surprised they have not set up a C&P for you. All I can say is to just hang in there and don't give the VA an excuse to say you failed to prosecute your claim. Do you have a combat award?
  13. I thought the idea was to document that you were still getting treated with narcotic meds so the VA would not assume you no longer needed them. I get oxy here in the states by certified mail every month. Some months I get it on the first of the month and some months I get it on the 10th of the month. If you are going to live in Costa Rica you can just send your medical records to the VA every six months.
  14. Christmas comes early for you Papa. What housebound means to you is an extra $300 bucks a month for you and more retro back to 2010.
  15. I got my pain meds about a week late this month. The VA does not even print the dates on my scripts any more because they don't want to leave proof of their failure. I deal with this chronic problem in the only way I can. If some store told me I would have to pick up my own television I would find another store. I know what happens when I over do it. I don't do yardwork. I don't paint. I don't get on my hands and knees and scrub the tiles. I hire someone. I use the scooter with the basket when I go to the store because of my feet. People look at me. I look at them. I carry my cane and my wife helps me. If someone asks me why I am in a scooter I would love to tell tell them in detail.
  16. Viagra can wake up Woody. The VA will give you about 15 pills a year.
  17. Well said, Pete! If the Koch brothers want something done they send an order to one of their monkies in congress who is on the payroll and it gets done. With vets congress stands around, and says how sorry they are for all the homeless, jobless, legless vets, and then the congressmen looks in their mailbox for checks from Crossroads GPS, Moveon.org, or Mother's for Walmart. Our political system is just a whorehouse. No wonder vets get dirty water thrown in their faces. The masters of the universe think we are fools and suckers.
  18. I think the technical problem with VA TDIU right now is that you don't have a single disability rated at 40% or more. I can't judge what your exams mean. I would appeal both VA and SSD and never give up. If you have to hire a lawyer for both VA and SSD then do it. It would be worth it. You need evidence from doctors outside the VA system that will say you can't work due to your SC conditions.
  19. Mizz Your benefits couselor is dead wrong. I think you qualify for HB by virtue of Bradley v Peake. I would file a claim for HB. I was TDIU for a couple of mental conditions. About 7 years later I got 60% for a heart condition. I was not automatically granted HB. Thanks to Teac, Phil, Pete, Carlie and others here I filed for HB and got 2 years retro. The VA called a CUE on themselves.
  20. Oh, I see, then by all means ask for the refills. If you get them great and if the VA won't ship them get a foreign doctor to keep records of your refills and scripts so you can submit this evidence to the VA. You want to find a way to create a papertrail any way you can. I think Costa Rica may be OK since they have a modern medical system. Have you asked the VA if they will ship narcotics out of the USA?
  21. When you ask "How long does a NOD take, I say "How long have you got?" Really, the NOD is not usually the problem, but all the &^%$ that comes later at the BVA and beyond.
  22. Is it hard to get HBP linked to DMII. I have HBP and AO induced DMII? The HBP came after the DMII. I also have CAD linked to AO at 60%. I just want the VA to pay for my funeral when I die. It is the least they can do since they killed me one way or the other unless I get hit by a beer truck.
  23. Phil If by some odd chance the BVA denies your remand will you rehire B&M to take you back to the CAVC? My lawyer K&K has taken me to CAVC twice and swears he will take us to federal court if we don't win. It has been almost five years with him and two years on my own. He has some investment in my (our) claim. John
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