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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by stillhere

  1. Gotcha! Good to know, i will download this one and dump the other. Thanks,Stillhere
  2. Well I am in VA also near Ft. Belvoir I had know problem with the base except when I called the golf club and asked about membership. the person on the phone said I wasn't eligible and I was a little pissed but I went to the website at found I was eligible and my ID card says MWR on it. I will check a base around Norfolk for you and see why you are getting the run around. And you are right it does not make any sense! the other thing, Virginia just passed tax exemption for 100% vets for their prime residence effective Jan. 1, 2011 but the counties and locals do not have the law yet so again we have to wait!! What a crock it is being 100% disabled and dealing with that but all the other BS to get the benefits we are entitled too!! Almost like working a full time damn job!
  3. Berta, Have you been able to find ANY difference in this one than the earlier ones? Has the NVSLP had a chance to review and report on this copy or did the VA when they released this one say where the changes were? just curious?
  4. The above statement "every RO has it's own system & organization" I find this as the MAIN problem with the entire VA system!! Veterans and their advocates are at a complete disadvantage when dealing with RO's when each one has it's own system!! Kind of makes me think the VA does not really have a model operational system for the field and have not been able to come up with one in 75 years?? This alone could and would speed up the claim system if every RO DID do it the same! People and parts could be interchangeable and would benefit the veterans and their advocates rather than hearing all kinds of different terminology on not only the internet forums but also word of mouth from vets! Don't mean to hi jack your thread but I could not let the statement slide without a responds. Good luck on your claim!!
  5. OK I went through this a little when I got my ID, privileges card, ID card or whatever. You need to go to the base where you are planning on using the cards website. Most have a website. if you are not computer saffy send me the base and I will see what you need for you and post. I most warn you all bases are different but I agree with you MOST offer the same 3 to 100% disabled Exchange, commissary, and MWR!
  6. I agree I hope they win and the reason why is because I believe that if a doctor has a licence to practice in his field then his/her DX should be applied with as much weight if not more as a VA doctor. The other thing like many vets I just do not trust the fox at the chicken coop!! What I mean is with the VA paying our comp based soely on what their doctors say! There really is a clear indication that bias would be occuring! Just my opinion! I have heart disease but I will not let the VA docs touch my heart!!
  7. Well you have the DX required for IHD but I am as concerned as you about the mumbo jumbo of the Dr. speak write up. The 2 most important results are your mets and your LVE and I don't see either one of them there? maybe Berta will take a look at this and break it down further for you. When you filed in 95 were you denied for heart problems? If you have been seeing a private cardio doc there give them a call or make an appointment. I would also take along the form the VA has for IHD and have your doc fill it out. That being said with the write up above I would guess 60%-100% but remember I am just guessing because like you the write up stinks.
  8. below is an email answer from my Virginia state senator: The tax exemption will take effect immediately when the Governor signs Senator Puller's SB 987. I imagine that will take place some time in late February. Thank you, Sean Holihan Legislative Aide Sen. George Barker Senator Barker, I would appreciate it very much if you could give me an update as to when the tax exemption for 100% disabled veterans will be available. I live in Fairfax county. Robert, as far as Arizona have you contacted your state tax relief agent for your county? If you do not believe that the state has the right to count your VA benefits as income I would also speak to or email your state legislature.
  9. Congrats Durock I am really happy for you!! Take a deep breath (if you can) get yourself and the wife calmed down and then go out and party like hell!!!
  10. That is the one Berta sent to me when I first came on board I think 03. I don't think it says 1997 on it but it is 21 pages and talks about diabetes 1+2 I just checked my profile and it says 07 that is not right. Berta helped me with my first claim in 03. When did the old board change to the new board?
  11. I remember when a friend I served with in the Nam sent me an email and said I should check out a site called HADIT best damn thing I ever did!! Thanks T-bird for making this site for our veterans brothers and sisters! I am sure there will be a special place for you in heaven when it is your time!
  12. Berta, i think I still have the one downloaded from you eons ago. I'll try and paste it here and see what happens. Stillhere Berta is this the one? July 17, 2000 Director (00/21) 211A All VBA Regional Offices and Centers Training Letter 00-06 SUBJECT: Training letter on diabetes mellitus and its complications 1. Enclosed is training material that includes both medical information and some rating guidelines on diabetes mellitus and its complications. This letter is not intended to make policy but to restate and clarify existing policy. 2. If you have any questions or comments about the content of this letter, or note any errors, please check the appropriate Calendar pages at: http://vbaw.vba.va.gov/bl/21/calendar/calendar.htm. /S/ Let me know and I will try and PDF it and upload to site.
  13. Well John, I must apologize and take the egg off my face!! You were definitely right on this one! I just checked the Virginia legislature and the amendment has been added to the constitution but the county is still waiting for the LAW to be written on how to apply it. I am still fighting with my mortgage holder and even the VA home loan guy said he can not help. just another situation where the gov promises one thing and takes their on damn time with it. I even contacted my legislature and asked for help and he made a remark about millionaire vets! I told him that any 100% vet that made it as a millionaire was better than any legislature and should get the benefit too!!
  14. The reason I ask is I have a form 9 in for my hearing loss and tinnitus and at ebenefits it shows NO movement since I sent it in in June of 2009! I asked for a hearing at the BVA since I am so close but if I can not get it certified and out of the RO how am I going to get a hearing? I am sure this will go thru since I have 2 IOM in my favor and my MOS is listed on the Army's noise list. Any ideas what I can do to get this moving? Hell with my heart condition the way it is I just might not be around when it finally does. Think I should make a video of my testimony so if that happens my wife can present it to the BVA? Any thoughts here would be great!
  15. like the other guys said dealing with SSDI was a pain for me too! But I did get it the first time around on my own so I guess I am like John lucky. Took me from July 20, 2010 and was awarded from Nov. 2010 But I had been out of work since being forced to retire in April of 2010 but waited to file because I felt I still could work. That did not work out though. I don't know what state you are in but I was awarded 100%+SMC for heart condition and PTSD and everyone here said it would be a slam dunk! I still ended up having to have a hearing test of all things (I am total deaf in one ear) and a shrink exam. The DDS I think guy is supposed to help you but getting them to return your call is a bit of an annoyance. Like jbasser says get the lawyer if they have denied you the first time because if you don't and they denied you again I think then you have to go before a judge. one other thing my counselor called and wanted me to go for the other dr's visits and I said OK but I asked her then why since I was already 100% with the VA!? She said it did not matter? Good luck to you!
  16. I have told many vets and practice what I preach DO NOT SAY ANYTHING DURING A VA APPT THAT YOU DO NOT WANT IN YOUR RECORDS! Everything you say can and will be used against you! That is what is happening to you and to get it undone is going to take a lot. To get a VA doc to say that your depression is because of your SCs and not the stabbing after you went to the VA after the stabbing for depression treatment and not before is hurting you. As Berta says if you can get get a VA doc or a private doc to say it is because of your SCs then you will have a chance. I might suggest another route where you say that you were dealing with your SCs and then the stabbing just aggravated your depression to a level you could not deal with then and made you want to just give UP!! Get a copy of your medical records before the stabbing and see if there is any mention of you saying you were depressed.
  17. I had an occasion to speak to the head of the dental clinic at my VAMC about this particular subject. he went out of his way to tell me how the VA had changed the procedure at their MC to make sure sterilization of dental equipment is followed by the industry standard and actually more than is required by them. He did not like the fact that it has been changed to a centralized location at the hospital and taken away from his people to be preformed by other people in the MC. He says they don't get it done as fast and hurts his scheduling. He went on to say that as far as he could tell it was a small incident at another medical center and had nothing to do with how other MC do theirs! I want to believe him because I am having implants put in on the 13th and I am a heart patient and will be premed as to cut down on any type of bacterial infection. I do agree with him some what in the case that if it was an isolated case it should have been corrected at that MC and spot checked the others to see if it indeed was a problem at others. But as we all know the gov has it's way of over reacting to situations because of the out cry. Is this good I tend to think yes and no. I do agree it is definitely needed to be addressed and not hidden the way it was. I know this is a little off topic but I do want vets to know that changes have been implicated at VAMC solely on the nature of this whistle blower and the circumstances that were brought to everyones attention!
  18. Well got the letter and it did not say much just said I would/could be reviewd and ask me to let them know if I get better. Fat chance that is going to be with my heart/hearing loss/ and PTSD but I guess that is standard. Filing and getting approved the first time and in a pretty short wait applied 7/20 and approved 12/2010 but back paid for 2 months so I guess I was really approved in Oct. I am just sitting back and trying except everything and all the changes my life is going through. I am sure others can relate after working since I was like 8 years old shining shoes to help my Mom up until I am 61! Always thought I would work till I dropped but keep myself busy somehow!
  19. Pete take care! and I hope they premed you because you are a heart patient and should take pennicilin one hour before to protect you from bacteria!
  20. Not sure what you are asking or trying to get at but on The prostate claim if have it now you can claim it and it will be SC the date you file. Now if you can proof you had PC back when you first filed yes it would go back to the date of the old claim BUT you have to proof without a doubt that you had it then. AO is not a claim of its own you don't claim AO you claim a medical condition you have that was caused by exposure to AO. I hope that is what you were asking. As far as your old claims if you can proof you had a condition way back when the VA denied you then by all means file to reopen the claim but you have to proof it. Claim your PC now and get that taken care of. Good Luck to you!
  21. Fantastic way to end a year! Here is hoping you and yor vet enjoy the New Year! Somehow I think you will!
  22. I received what I assumed was my personnel files rather quickly and but not that much there, my medical were being stored from an early denial in 84. When did you serve? Not sure why in hell they would send you a note to ask again?? I am like you WTF!
  23. I am 100% SMC recently in Oct. 09 but I do have an appeal into the BVA for hearing loss and tinnitus so there are occasions when I vet could still be fighting the VA for an award even though being 100%. If it were me it all comes down to time and if I need the C-file NOW or can wait until the BVA is done and then the RO is done that to me sounds like years. If you can wait then wait but if you feel like you can not and you have tried the normal channels and FOIA have not be answered. I would contact either my congressman or senator. That is one reason why they are there, if you are not getting what you consider a fair shake by the government. That is where I would get them involved.
  24. Thanks Bergie, I did hear about this and took this crap for a month I guess back in 2003 I did not like it then and quit but I have an aunt that still takes it! I will let her know now that you brought it back up!
  25. Fantastic!! Now calm that heart down and live long and enjoy!!
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