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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by stillhere

  1. Where are you now with your claim? Have you heard anything on your OTH discharge. For us to help you along we need to know?
  2. Strange but it is now working. Not sure if someone paid for the domain or not but it is running now.
  3. I find it rather amazing after going to senators Webb's official site. I can not find any mention of his, on this matter of the VA compensation for the new 3 disabilities. Guess for some reason he does not want people vets to know his position on this. Hope he comes around the state soon so I can ask him first hand why he is doing this.
  4. Joey, Hi I noticed a post that you made on another vet site. Where you were questioning a rating that had been reduced for CLL. I hope you don't mind my question and I do plan to ask my PCP again about my anemia but I was just awarded P&T 100% for my heart. I also have suffered from anemia for the past 6-7 years and give myself a shot of B-12 every month.

    What do you think?

  5. When you get your award letter it will say from what date they considered you to be IU. I was over 70% for well over 6 years and even getting up to 90% last year and because I was working and did not apply for IU I did not get it. When I filed in Oct.09 for an increase they used that date and awarded me 100% P&T with housebound. So I guess it was because I never filed for IU and sent in the claim. I have seen it posted here that you have to actually send in the form and ask for it I have read here that you don't?? Again wait till you get your award and if you don't like it you can always appeal but I would think twice before doing that.
  6. Not sure how it works in Japan but the embassy as someone said before would probably be a good place to start. Also if there is a base near by see if you can get in for some health care I think that is how it works out of country? Again I am not sure. Seeing and going to treatment and doing what the docs say all will help your claim but beyond that it should help all your conditions! As far as the claim goes I would get a copy of my SMRs if you don't already have a complete copy and scan through those. All most everything that you had in service and still continually being seen for will only help your claim. Filing your claim will reserve your date and from there you will be examined by a VA approved doctor to see how bad your conditions are. That is called a C&P. Check the Gulf war part of this website and do a bunch of reading and see what other vets that served in Iraq with you are getting comped for. One very important thing that I personally want to say I am an old Nam vet and I am very proud of the way all of you handled your selfs over there! Thank you for your service and hold your head up high you are a disabled veteran and you deserve to be treated and comped for your injuries!! Good Luck to you!
  7. Excellent news and do as Tbird says if you can. Take some time to let it sink in in get the paper work and take care. Often times vets especially those with MH issues have a hard time realizing (as I did) that the fight is over. Free yourself of the stress and just kick back!
  8. I agree with Pete you need a IOM that addresses the questions raised in the denial. I would suggest you take the docs you posted and have the doc read them and if he/she will write a rebuttal and back it up with rationale. That is the only way I feel a appeal will work. In dealing with the VA you have to fight the written word with the written word. If your doc will not do it then you will have to find either some medical report that supports your contentions or some other health evidence that will. I would also point out that you want a MD to check you at your next C&P and NOT a NP.
  9. I have an appointment for Aug 22nd 2010 I guess I will find out first hand what they will do. I am 100% P/T Housebound and could really use this. I had to have 2 uppers teeth taken out 2 years ago be cause the caps broke from my teeth grinding (PTSD. They told me then because I was 90% that they could pull them for me but that was it. They recommended a removable bridge or implants. I then had another tooth bottom that abscessed so bad my jaw was swollen like I had been hit by a train. They pulled that one too and told me the same thing you are own your own now. My private dentist did a removable bridge for the upper 3 but I really do not like it and use it rarely. I am hoping the VA will do the implants or give me fee basis for it. I guess I will find out were this all goes at my meeting but I am 100% for my heart and have to be medicate most of the time when I get in the chair. My brother a few years ago maybe 6 is a Vietnam vet Marine and has 80% and really bad Dm2 got all kinds of care done before they tightened it all up. He even got enamel covers and all. Looks real good.
  10. stillhere

    Ao Claim

    Well that sounds like a good thing I guess! Many here have asked if they will be under Nehmer.
  11. Should not be a problem getting it SC. I have looked at a few BVA decisions and have seen it granted for DM2/PTSD. I actually suffer from it also as acid reflux and it is in my records but I have not put in a claim since I am 100P/T and housebound. I take medication for it now and have for the past 5 years and had it doubled in 08 I think. I have to watch what I eat and not eat late at night or it will keep me up all night and miserable. I do plan on getting the test for esophagus soon though. Good luck to you and let us know how you do!
  12. not sure on the word established Donna. Sounds like they are just letting you know they are aware and working your claim. I think Nehmer will come in to play for your claim.
  13. The number to call is 1-800-827-1000 and then follow the messages to get to the one you want. This is a call center but they are able to pull his info up on their screen and or get a message to your RO for you.
  14. I just went through this myself. My walking test was not completed so I had a chemical test about 3 weeks later. Call the 800# and check to see if they got the doctors instructions to schedule a non exercise stress test. When doing a straight walking stress test there is no chemical added. It is one of the most worthless test I have had done. OH and the cheapest. When you have a walking stress test with chemical added for a echo cardiogram that is when they take pictures of your heart before and after with the injection being made while you are walking. That is a better test but also cost more. When I had my chemical non exercise test they take pictures before you get the chemical to stimulate the heart and then after. This is an OK test but still might miss things. The true gold standard test is the cath where they send a camera up into your heart and shows on the screen blockages and stents can be inserted in problems found. This is an angio plasty test. Hope this helps you understand the test better. I am not a doctor but I have been having all these kinds of test since 2001
  15. Well it appears this may get done sooner than I thought!! Check the link: http://www.nvlsp.org/Information/PressRoom/NEWS-RELEASE-%20080210.htm
  16. stillhere

    Ao Ihd Vets

    Berta, Fortunately that echo was not with the VA they only did a walking stress test BUT the record of that test was in my c-file from my first claim and they still did not do a cath or anything and just denied. I have been telling myself I need to call that office that did that test and ask just what the heck they consider abnormal??? Might do that tomorrow. After that test I actually started jogging to try and loose weight!! That did not last long! Sheeze!
  17. It appears you may be getting hit with what I like to call Jykle and Hyde theory. In other words you are one person while in therapy and the C&P examiner is saying something else. When you go in for this one this time try and get across to him/her just how this PTSD is affecting you daily. The same way you do with your monthly meetings. Have you ever seen the reports and what they say. I was a complete opposite than you I got comfortable to a point with my shrink and while he had me with the DX his opinion was that I wan't that bad. So when I went in for my C&P which was only 40 minutes long his write up left me just a notch below 70% so I ended up with 50% and have had to reevaluate how I look at things. Funny thing is I now agree with him and do have some strange feelings??? Or should I say thoughts in my head. I think you just need to be yourself and let them know.
  18. stillhere

    Ao Ihd Vets

    Well your situation could be a little sticky. But since you have already filed for IHD let them sort it out. Hypertension is not covered under the list of presumptives for AO but since you had it in service you were SC directly by way of your SMRs. With the IHD like I said it is going to be interesting how they address your prior claim and denial. I know this does not answer your question but hang in there.
  19. stillhere

    Ao Ihd Vets

    Got to run Berta but quickly wanted to answer this some what. I am 100% P/T because of my heart and a MI in oct. 05. I was denied in June of 05 and 4 months later had heart attack. The qtc exam only show hyperlipdemia but my 2002 ekg and echo which was in my file showed a LVE of 50%. I am trying the EED way first and if that does not work I will file for malpractice. I feel they almost killed me. Take care!
  20. i think that John hit the nail on the head. Anyone that is suffering from PTSD should be in treatment and go from there to working your claim. I agree I am pretty sure of the VA shrink recommends you for treatment at a Vet Center you will be seen. I am was in a combat zone so I am not absolutely sure but it would make since. I will ask when I go back next week.
  21. Bergie, Looks like this is available for a very select group of vets. Military service members can receive expedited processing of disability claims from Social Security. Benefits available through Social Security are different than those from the Department of Veterans Affairs and require a separate application. The expedited process is used for military service members who become disabled while on active military service on or after October 1, 2001, regardless of where the disability occurs. The following questions link to answers to questions most people ask about applying for disability benefits. Knowing the answers to these questions will help you understand the process.
  22. stillhere

    C And P Exam

    You have about as much trust for the VA and their sub contractor QTC as I do and for good reason. I for one think you will prevail without a new C%P and based on his medical file. Of course I am not a rater but that is my thoughts on your husband. I have private cardio doc and try and stay as far away as possible from being treated for that at the VA.
  23. stillhere

    Ao Ihd Vets

    Hi Berta, I have a claim in for a EED as you know and have not gotten any letter from them yet. I think those that filed in the past will be looked at if they filed for any type of heart problems. Like in my case I filed for chest pains/angina and was denied. After just being awarded 100% P/T with housebound they did ask if I wanted to drop any of my other claims like the one for the EED and my BVA appeal for hearing loss and I said NO. I still feel I will win my claim at the BVA. As far as the EED for my heart that should be granted if Nehmer comes into play. They also asked if I want to apply for Gerd and anemia which is in my records and has been since 05 and I said no. Taken a little bit of a breather of late and getting all my affairs in order in case anything may happen. I am preparing a folder for my wife with this website and instruction on what to do if that occurs. Certainly does not hurt to be prepared when you are dealing with the VA. If I do receive the letter I will post on this thread for sure.
  24. Congrats on your award John but I want to be honest with you on your question about another C&P. If you file for P&T status it could be required or it could not but if you feel secure on your rating then don't worry about it. If you don't then you may want to just wait until your review is coming up and see how that goes. Being 62 years old and a review in a couple of years would put you and 64/65 so they may not call you in at all. Why do you want P/T now? If it is that important to you then just file and see how it goes.
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