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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. No, that is wrong, Papa! There is additional after 100% and it's called SMC and depending how bad it could add $100 - $ 3,000 more a month. Just sayin'. . . pr
  2. Good on you and thanks for your post. From what you stated: "In total I had 320% rated for the secret formula that they could call me 100% P&T." I would say you should be also receiving an SMC "s" award of about $350 monthly. If not, you should request it, as it should be automatic once you reach 100% + 60%. pr
  3. John - A wartime vet(meaning served during a period of wartime) is considered completely disabled at age 65 and eligible for NSC pension of a little over $1250 monthly, for a single vet. If he receives SS, it will be deducted from the roughly $1250 a month. If his SS is more than $1250 monthly, he won't receive NSC pension. If he is married, has medical expenses, and assets there are other rates and adjustments made in figuring out his rate. NSC pension is like welfare for veterans, that we earned. Here's a link to explain further. pr http://www.benefits.va.gov/PENSIONANDFIDUCIARY/pension/vetpen.asp
  4. It could/should be but you never know w/the VA. See what they say and if necessary, appeal it. You certainly can win. pr
  5. I agree w/carlie. Just because you want someone to do something doesn't mean they are "required" to do it. It would be nice but it's their decision. Sorry for your problem. jmo pr
  6. One of my former neighbors, he's since died, said he'd been caught auctioning cattle as a business, while receiving TDIU, and he stated he lost all benefits, due to the fraud. He was a VN vet. pr
  7. Did you get any kind of a buy-out/offset, when you were discharged?? Or, perhaps, they could have you mixed up with another claim/person. jmo pr
  8. Check w/the National Archives, in College Park, MD. If they don't have them they can tell you where to go. pr
  9. I recommend you purchase the Veterans Benefits Manual (VBM), for about $150, from LexisNexis (http://www.lexisnexis.com/store/search/search-results.jsp?_requestid=3069) and do the claim yourself. No one will work as hard as you. Or get a lawyer. jmo pr
  10. The current rate for 40% is $569, for the vet alone. The rate for a vet w/one child at 40% is $611. So it would increase by $42 monthly, which if I were you, I would send to your ex-spouse, each month as child support. jmo pr
  11. Chances are it would raise it to 30%. jmo pr
  12. Interesting. So the VA will pay chap 35 bennies and dependent's allowance?? Pretty dumb on the VA's part. jmo pr
  13. I would write a simple letter requesting P&T. One of the requirements for P&T is that there be no improvement or a worsening for over a five yr period, which your PTSD has done. jmo pr
  14. Does the VA now pay the claimant for "dependents over 18yo," while attending college??? I thought it stopped when they completed high school or turned 18yo. pr
  15. John - I use the FX nasal pillow system, by Resmed (I think) and have had good luck with it. I still wake up about every 2-3 hrs, tho. It took a little time to get used to it but I figure, for now, it's better than dying. For now I'm getting my OSA supplies thru my Medicare w/suppliment but will be seeking the VA taking over. I'm also going to file a claim for OSA associated w/my DM-II and weight gain secondary to my PTSD. Thanks to Berta's recent info, I think it's a win. I still hate using the Bi-pap but whatcha gonna do? pr
  16. Hey Chuck, you and I will have to agree to disagree, once again. I'll rephrase it cuz we all know they can give you a ticket but it won't hold up in court, cuz it's a "civil" matter. I can park on your lawn and the cops can't tow me. You would have to have me towed. Private property is private property and places such as WM are on private property. Just sayin' . . . pr
  17. If these additional conditions were discovered at a C&P exam, (as you state) then the VA is required to rate those conditions and to rate them as to SC or NSC. If the VA failed to do so, at the time of the initial decision(ie: when they first knew about them), then you now have an open claim dating back to when they were first discovered/diagnosed, also called an "informal claim." Check your decision and see if they were discussed in the decision. pr
  18. How about the handicapped bathroom stalls. Do we need a permit to use them or can anyone use them when not in use?? Just sayin'. . . And by the way, you can't be ticketed for parking in an HP space, if the space is on private property, such as a Walmart, Rite-Aid, the supermarket, etc.. pr
  19. TDIU does not require a minimum percentage to attain it. Please read 38 CFR 4.16. IU is the lazy persons way of stating they are TDIU. jmo pr
  20. Thank god, another stupid question!!! (only kidding) People will say don't rock the boat but if you feel the rating should be higher or that the effective date should be earlier, I say, file the appeal. The VA should go by the date when that level of disability was discernable. The VA often lowballs claimants. jmo pr
  21. You should file for it. Never count on the VA to do anything. jmo pr
  22. I don't understand what you want. You'll need to rephrase it so myself and others can understand what you want/need. pr
  23. Troy - if they were married, she should get copies of his death certificate, marriage license and her birth certificate, now, just in case they are needed. It's hard for us to help w/o knowing why they denied the claim, for DIC. pr
  24. You have 30 days that it's considered an "authorized claim for mileage," but after 30 days you can still receive it but you'll need to file an appeal (NOD) on the travel denial, just like any denial by the VA. pr
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