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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by 63SIERRA

  1. Heres how the riddle has been playing out, .. everything has to go thru the primary. Primary is usually an internal medicine doc.. *pill pusher".. When vet comes in complaining of chronic problems, primary tries to prescribe pills, and NOT give referrals to specialist. Veteran is put on long term pain meds., without ever even seeing a specialist, without ever recieving an MRI. The govt likely gets huge discounts on narcotics, like anything else bought in bulk. The VA knows that vets are alot more likely to have spinal problems than the average citizen. Instead of exploring all options to try and provide the veteran with the best possible options they just list the veterans problem as a very wide diagnostic code such as " back strain" and prescribe 3 or 4 hydrocodones a day at around 60 cents. '
  2. Same with me Pete, 2 doctors told me that VA NO LONGER SUPPORTS HYDROCODONE FOR CHRONIC PAIN.. BUT nobody will provide me a regulation,. all it amounts to is the VA was giving every boo boo that came in a rx, and now that they have been exposed for mass prescribing narcotics in liue of proper medical care, they want to take everyone off, no matter what your ilness or injuries are. The only organization that can mess with a VA doctor is DEA. The doctors know they cant justify all of the scripts, so they are doing a mass cleanup. All of this may backfire on them. I would make sure and send in a note thru myhealthevet, saying that you were INVOULENTARILY taken off your medication. If you are suffering from depression, file a claim for increase, as the pain sure is affecting quality of life. Also for those of you who become basically immobile due to pain, file for TDUI. The VA created this problem, not us.
  3. evidently the Buffalo RO has someone doing telephone surveys .Im in Tejas and they called me.
  4. same thing with mercury based preservitives in vaccines and autism.. they did a big study then sealed it. they do these studies with taxpayer money, and GIVE the results to big pharmacy, but hide them from the public.
  5. abt 400 bucks a day to get tweaked on OXY ,, go boozing, then sleep in late, and get right before tee off at noon.. what a turd!!!
  6. I was in country for almost 6 months and several times all of the chemical alarms went off, we got into Mopp 4 .. shortly after we were told false alarm.. this went on several days in a row. I recall the sickly smell in the air. kind of pungent and burns the throat. im sure i was exposed, we just trusted our leaders and believed they would be honest. Im sure I could find people in my unit that would testify to that fact, if they are still with us. Ive been saying all along, all of the surveys and Gulf war registry exams are just diversions/.. They want to study us long term and learn the effects of the poisoning we recieved, but dont want to compensate us for it. Independant testing was done shortly after the war and it was found proof positive that the clothes had chemicals of sarin gas on them. The VA is now doing the same thing to us that they did our vietnam brothers, they are engaged in a war of attrition and denial. Time is on thier side, not ours. Something else to think about, how will this affect our children and grand children. will they have cancers and birth defects. ? This is your country... this is our reality. We spent billions of dollars and 13 years in Iraq, but they dont care to help us. Ross Perot paid to have uniforms tested.
  7. THIS IS OUR AGENT ORANGE.. hopefully NSLVP get s a action going ..!!! Also dont forget whom it was that got caught trying to close the door on desert storm vets by meeting with the medical leadership and trying to persuade them to stop calling it desert storm veterans.. She was trying to lump all vets who served in Iraq in one basket, so that our concerns become a moot point. DEMAND THAT THEY CALL YOU A DESERT STORM VETERAN.!!! DONT LET THEM THROW US AWAY..!!!
  8. I believe some veterans get denied soley on circumstance. and nothing to do with if they are eligible or not. There has to be a throttling of funds inside of these ROs. Certainly they dont have a open ledger to just write checks like they own the treasury/. I could imagine meetings where bean counters are meeting with RO managers and establishing "target goals" for yearly comp totals. When a RO has to write a whopper of check for 100.000 - 500.000 dollars because they got caught ripping a vet off for 20 years, I would imagine it has an impact on the claims being worked at that time.. Knowing how the VA seems to operate I can just envision the meeting.. ATTENTION ALL MANAGERS.. we are having WAY too many claims innacurately being approved,. Please double check the claim before close out to see if theres ANY way we can correct this problem. If need be. feel free to go back to the antiquated yet immensely effective ENNIE,. MEENIE, MYNEEY , MOE method to keep the claims static. WE have paid out too much compensation this month!!! I think it has become a system of robbing Peter to pay Paul. But when Peter catches on, they will have to rob Luke to pay Peter.
  9. there has to be inside actions, relatives, ect that work at the ROs hooking them up. There have been people recieving double checks for years.. That is why the whole system needs to be audited by an independant company , preferably from another country, and be sealed and presented to the Sec of VA and congress and the FBI. AND ATTORNEY GENERAL
  10. Yep. I see them all the time at my VAMC. they get thier old man cane out of the trunk. adjust thier swagger and shuffle on in to the vamc. I believe God has a way of dealing with people faking health problems, they claim it long enough, it will happen. The man claiming blindness was indeed blind, he was blinded by greed , and will lose everything , including his freedom he likely got turned in by someone who despised him to his back but smiled to his face/
  11. Our TIME is our most valuable earthly possession, and the fact that she shares her time., to help others speaks volumes of her character, persistence, and courage, I pray that GOD keeps here sharp as a tack for many years to come and im sure there is a mansion in heaven awaiting with riches and jewels to decorate her robe that are stunningly brilliant. Sometimes I wonder and believe it quite possible that as warriors, we were specially chosen, and we will have a warrior role in the afterlife, maybe we will ride white horses alongside angels and fight the dark forces and protect Gods kingdom.. ASKNOD can be General , Berta sec of defense, Phillip , the Armorer, John runs the POW camp, I will fix the chariots.. Pete can be the DEPT OF HEAVENS AFFAIRS LIASON.. ha
  12. this is why they dont want us to have access to our exams , so they can deny your claim and hope you give up.
  13. Im going to keep harping on this point ... it is a 2 pronged system,... If your primary team is lying to you, using wrong diagnostic codes, minimizing your problems,. ignoring your symptoms, all of these things can and do affect the outcome of your claims. The RO goes by what you are current disability and the level thereof presently is.. I Heres an example.. lets say you have a debilitating spinal injury such as spondylolysis theses with DDD and nerve pain. BUT your company man, VA vetted , yes man. non veteran, masochistic doctor has your issue listed only as ? back pain? It doesnt take alot of thinking to realize that you will be screwed on your comp rating. I gaurantee you, many if not most of the veterans that are diagnosed with generic preliminary diagnosis such as lumbar strain, shoulder strain, this strain , that strain, ,,, really have major issues that should garner a more serious diagnostic code, and more treatment and compensation. THINK ABT IT/. DO YOU REALLY THINK THE VA WOULD PAY 20 PERCENT FOR A ' ''STRAIN'' ? NO they are paying you 20 percent for something more major that should be getting 40 or 50 percent. I BEG YOU MY FELLOW VETERANS TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT WHAT IT IS YOU REALLY HAVE AND COMPARE IT WITH WHAT THE VA IS CALLING IT. SEE IF THEY JIVE.
  14. slowly but surely they are requiring people to give up all rights and privacy/
  15. there was a CAVC claim that was awarded just on the above scenario that basically says.. " symptoms, not treatment are the true essence of a disability.
  16. what a person has built financially already has nothing to do with disability. if a person were a millionaire and disabled because of a service connected incident, THEY STILL EARNED IT AND STILL DESERVE IT JUST AS MUCH AS THE NEXT GUY who may or may not have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.
  17. Would anyone be interested in starting an online petition to give to honorable so far Mc Donald to get rid of the call centers????
  18. the system was set up to delay and deny. They claim it slows them down to talk to us, but just the opposite is true. Sometimes I wonder, what exactly they do all day.., think abt it.. they have made it our responsibility to do research and submit evidence. They never explain why they denied us, they harly ever send SOC, they sit on claims that are supposed to be certified to go to appeal for years, it takes them years to do simple dependency claims. They wont send a C-FILE without congressional action half the time.. SO WHAT IS IT THEY ACTUALLY DO ALL DAY? I guess working up fraudulent scams to rip vets off, and work scams to get releatives undeserved comp, to profit and split, is quite exhaustive.
  19. It is a very straightforward regulation, and the cockroaches at the RO s might reject it, but in a BVA or CAVC proceding where most folks can actually read, comprehend, and follow the rules, the vet would most likely win hands down. The Ro likely doesnt want to admit they are wrong and approve the claim, because they know it is likely a CUE. They dont seem to enjoy writing 100.000 checks. The VA has been getting over for a long time, with these vietnam vets, too damned long. Soon, they will slowly start to fade away, just like our WW2 bretheren have, and Korean conflict bretheren. Then next will be the Desert Storm generation. We must help those that came before us, because they are us. they are cut from the same cloth.
  20. "The VA frequently FAILS (I believe intentionally) to take note of a veteran's combat status. Even when they do, there are so many loopholes in the mentioned reg that the VA makes use of that it's not as useful as you would think."" Well thats a nice way to put it.. hell they told asknod he wasnt ever in vietnam. There is no low, that they wont go. Not many people know about the above regulation that I posted. Probably half of the ROs dont know or acknowledge it. It has been a gradual fudging of the regs by VA and has become commonplace to just call the vet a liar , disregard the claim, and file the claim in a dark, dusty location, waiting for the vet to croak. Our knowledge is our power, and our power is our path to victory.. !!
  21. I would bet that your neck and back issues coukd be easily upgraded as well, "neck strain" sounds like a generic preliminary finding. Also if they are giving you 20 percent for " lumbosacral strain" I would bet you have bigger problems and they downplayed your diagnosis and gave you a pacification 20 percent rating. Have you had an MRI on your back and neck? if so was it looked at by a real MD outside the VA?
  22. The va has become experts and sticking it to vets for half a century. unless you have an ace in the hole, its like a bantam weight fighting a heavyweight, you are out gunned. I personally consider myself somewhat knowledgeable on VA shenanigans,(because theyve tried so many on me),, but compared to what Dorle and Bash know, I know very little. The only great thing I ever recieved in this life for free, is the love I have from my family and my salvation from the Lord. back in the late 70s a popular bumper stick used to read.. ASS, GAS, OR GRASS, NOBODY RIDES FOR FREE.
  24. Also the medical records get goofed up all the time, they get which eye was injured, which arm, which leg, mixed up very often. Anything that a person has 2 of. so it would be very likely and logical that the wrong leg was recorded. I had an eye injury while on active duty and they listed the wrong eye as injured. (b) In the case of any veteran who engaged in combat with the enemy in active service with a military, naval, or air organization of the United States during a period of war, campaign, or expedition, the Secretary shall accept as sufficient proof of service-connection of any disease or injury alleged to have been incurred in or aggravated by such service satisfactory lay or other evidence of service incurrence or aggravation of such injury or disease, if consistent with the circumstances, conditions, or hardships of such service, notwithstanding the fact that there is no official record of such incurrence or aggravation in such service, and, to that end, shall resolve every reasonable doubt in favor of the veteran. Service-connection of such injury or disease may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence to the contrary. The reasons for granting or denying service-connection in each case shall be recorded in full. AND I WILL BET YOU A DOZEN CRISPY KREME DONUTS THE HONORABLE HICKEY DIDNT MENTION NOTHING ABT THIS REG TO YOU???
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