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Everything posted by Buck52

  1. yes waiting time now, we just want her AOD OR EOD if they change it were hoping its at least 12 months prior to her application date. guess well see she not sure she will disagree with there EOD...Depends if they make her EOD her application date but that's not right,she may disagree & fight for the AOD she will need a attorney. Thanks again pete992 ...............Buck
  2. Same here Armyvet, only it was in Vietnam years & years ago. but my noise induced hearing loss came years later, although I had a c&p examiner opine my hearing was tested when I was separated from service and showed no hearing loss at that time which was a lie, because that audiologist at my seperation just check it off my separation list,as most did when I was getting things check off the list, I still have a copy of that list it was used as part of my evidence to prove my hearing loss, but I never claim my hearing was bad back then and never had a claim in for it,like I said it was years later before I started having hearing problems and was tested then.
  3. Thanks pete992 & TexasMarine, I understand these regulations, its the AOD that they may denied? ,I think she has be approved for her disability's the DDS is checking on her non medical before they send her letter, as matter fact they might deny but her first letter a few days ago stated that they agree with her medical reports stating she is disable. but said she has to wait to receive her non medical approval or denial? please don't contact or do not call this office until you have received the second notice on non medical. so if she is approved for SSD and denied on the AOD/EOD Then its Attorney time! ...........Thanks Guys ....................Buck
  4. I've research and research can't find anything? but its on old letters about 50 or so. all same return addy! or the return address could read like this SP/4 Dough John W ...............................Service No. ### ## #### ......................................HHC.USASUPCOM,SGN (TMP) ......................................Operations Branch ..........................................APO San Fransisco Calif 96491 I believe the (TMP) COULD MEAN TEMPORARY MOTOR POOL?? Maybe?? IDK? I believe the dates to be around 1969 1970/71. Internet Search not found. via google & Yahoo Search ,MSN & Other Search Engines. ...........Buck
  5. Anyone know how to get in touch with this unit in Vietnam? Now? Here is the unit and battalion address. its on Return address from old letters. From Long Binh Vietnam USARV. ........................................................................... .Sp.4 Dough John W .HHC.USA.SUP.COM.SGN (TMP) ............................................Free Operations Branch APO,SF 96491 ....................................Debbie Johnson ....................................1700 Christopher St ....................................Sacramento California ###### ............................................................................... Thanks ...................Buck
  6. Personally I never cared for that priority group stuff!!! I think all VETERANS should be treated equally & severity of there disability. If I know there a veteran that needs medical care more than me...I hope they are treated first. .....jmo ..................Buck
  7. It took me a few years to get 10% for my tinnitus and 3 different VA Audiologist and Private Audiologist, seems that tinnitus is not caused by hearing loss, its only associated with hearing loss & noise induced hearing loss bilateral, because its perceived to becoming from inside the ears. when actually its inside the head. My tinnitus drives me nuts at times and keeps me from sleeping. I don't think a veterans is lying when he reports these sounds in his head. There are'' mask'' machines that help some veterans & some treatments but nothing seems to help mask my tinnitus Tinnitus is not a cause of hearing loss. It may point to issues with the ear itself or the hearing loss may be a normal symptom of aging. There are many conditions which may affect the inner ear and cause hearing loss. These range from hardening of the bones in the middle ear to inner ear tumors. Constant loud noise or an extreme noise incident may cause the nerves which transmit sound to the brain to be damaged. This will cause hearing loss as well. The tinnitus will generally occur after the hearing loss happens and will not directly cause loss of hearing. Tinnitus in itself is not a serious medical issue. It may indicate other medical issues and a doctor should be consulted. There are many causes of tinnitus and there are treatments for tinnitus available. While it does not cause hearing problems, the loss of hearing may enable tinnitus to manifest. A doctor should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of tinnitus. I wish I didn't have my dang tinnitus. it sucks!. ..............Buck
  8. May 21st 2015 will be the day SSA says you were disable...if not then it will be the day you filed but they should go back one month to May 21st its just an extra months pay but if you let them just go by your application date no extra month. my post above is for special conditions of disability on set dates...sorry! ...........Buck
  9. This is unofficial but I read some where can't remember the regulation title so this is just my lay opinion and its unofficial I read some where in the SSA regulations that if a person continue to work after the OSD onset date was established by the claimant before he had to stop working or before the date of SSD Application if the employer made accommodations with the employee to help them do there job the the claimant set his on set date with medical documentations(Dr's Reports hospital stays lab work ect,,ect,, going back to these claimants on set date. if these medical reasons are in conjunction with the claimants OSD. the only thing is the OSD can't be more than a year 12 months before the date of application. I been trying to find this regulation about employers Accommodating the employee because of there disability.
  10. I don't blame ya Ms berta, its a shame that some veterans are disrespectful like that. I don't like the ones that come on the board and ask a question get a few answers and never respond : either they got there answer and it helped them or it didn't? its okay for them to do that I suppose but it could help other veterans if they had the same question by the original poster to respond with a thank you these answers helped me and I won my claim ect,,ect,, ..................Buck
  11. he can still qualify for TDIU at 60% SC, If he can't work because of his SC disability then Appeal the propose to take it away from him! I never heard of them taking TDIU away for some other disability that may have improved and his other disabilities render him total disabled and can't work. some disability's will improve and some won't. And they can't take away his TDIU with just a proposal they have to have your hubby to take 2 C&P Exams to find improvement, and its even hard if the disability is a mental one! check his recent medical records from his VAMC and see what the Dr's have said. ....................Buck
  12. If he or spouse or someone from the hospital called VA reported it and his name and last 4 within the time limit I think the VA will pay. in an emergency like this. jmo .................Buck
  13. broncovet, I think he was at BVA (GOT A DOCKET No. ) but didn't the BVA remand his claim back to RO? or its still awaiting at the BVA ? since new and material evidence was submitted at BVA level they want a DRO take shot it (his claim for TDIU) if DRO denies then his claim will go back to BVA. but if they look at his new evidence I think the DRO will Grant it. jmo .......................Buck
  14. Jay,, although the IME examiner stated his/her opinion that ''you were permanent and total 100% '' that's a good evidence in your favor that is If they (raters) have it? or bother to read it. but the actual rating is left up to the VA Raters or DRO's After they review all your evidence. Its always best to try to solve your claim at the RO Level. jmo .............Buck
  15. pete992 my apology, I get you two guys mixed up! but yes I agree with your post No. #4 ...............Buck
  16. you need to let your C & P examiner or Audiologist Know you have constant sounds inside your head (''in my ears you think'') and it drives you crazy you( need this documented.) I would not say it comes and goes...say its constant. tinnitus is constant & sometimes its masked by certain everyday sounds and you don't realize your hearing it. .......................Buck
  17. Tinnitus comes in two forms: subjective and objective. In subjective tinnitus, only the sufferer will hear the ringing in their own ears. In objective tinnitus, the sound can be heard by a doctor who is examining the ear canals. Objective tinnitus is extremely rare, while subjective tinnitus is by far the most common form of the disorder. The sounds of tinnitus may vary with the person experiencing it. Some will hear a ringing, while others will hear a buzzing. At times people may hear a chirping or whistling sound. These sounds may be constant or intermittent. They may also vary in volume and are generally more obtrusive when the sufferer is in a quiet environment. Many tinnitus sufferers find their symptoms are at their worst when they’re trying to fall asleep. ...................Buck
  18. Yes I agree with Pete53 & Gastone Think Positive!!! If your DRO grants your TDIU P&T He can expedite it and wam bam your home free, probably have to wait a bit on your retro...I think this is a good thing in your favor...it sounds about what happen to me at my DRO Hearing Back in 2002. if your DRO Grants your claim. let us know how it goes. ..................Buck
  19. Well if its a DRO Hearing at your RO it could be a good thing, its you and the DRO face to face and its your time to tell them your story and explain things that you need explaining and take any medical evidence with you that the DRO don't have usually from a IMO or IME & buddy statements sign statements from friends /family. When you go in they just take you to this meeting room with a long table and chairs and microphones at each chair, you will either have a formal hearing or informal hearing the DRO will ask you. The DRO First walks in introduces himself you meet him tell him your name shake hands ect,,ect,, the DRO will tell you how the hearing is conducted ,you decide what type hearing you want, and just go from there, if you get a pro veteran DRO then everything will be fine, if you get a hard nose DRO just answer his questions politely and state your case, and hope for the best just relax and don't be nervous and always be truthful just remember this DRO CAN CHANGE THINGS AROUND FOR YOU. A DRO Hearing is usually a good thing and a DRO has the right to approve/grant your claim right then and there but he has to expedite it takes about 2 or 3 weeks. I was like you before I had my DRO Hearing but after it was all over I was so surprised has how easy it actually was. Now if you get a video Hearing via Video hearing I know nothing about those! Just relax state your case the best you can & go over a few major details (all your ducks in a row) with your wife the night before the hearing you will do ok. Its always best to have our claims solved at the RO level that going on to the BVA CAVC ...................Buck
  20. PUREADY, Maybe the cavc needs more time to count all that retro your going to be getting (party Time) Nah I think like Ms Berta its probably a good thing in your favor just makes you wait longer..but hey you waiting this long 60 days will go by real fast.....you be thinking what all your gonna do with all that big fat retro. relax and enjoy. ................Buck
  21. I'd say about 4 weeks, if you don't hear anything after that call IRIS. although I had one C&P took 6 months to hear anything. Just depends if they get off their Ass and work your claim. .........JMO ..............Buck
  22. Well you can still get it on the streets ,but I sure wish the VA would start use it take all these pills and shave them where the sun don't shine and maybe there employees would do there jobs right & be more courteous. LEAGIZE THAT SHI## IF IT WORKS!!! It seems the USA, FDA is last in line to do anything or at least try stuff usually after everyone dies before they even think about it. Actress Farah Faucett needed treatment for her cancer and she had to go over seas to be treated, obviously she was to for gone for it to help but had she got the treatment here in the states maybe she would be alive today. ...................Buck
  23. I agree PUREADY, We older veterans learn the hard way!and passing on our experience! hopefully these new veterans will take note of your post here. ........................Buck
  24. Thanks Navy04, That's about all her medical records is from the VA at least the most recent ones from last 5 years and yes the specialty clinics in Dallas VA, but they closed them down to her in mid treatment last Fall,so since she has ChampVA and some new supplemental Insurance now , she be using private outside care from now on. I been thinking bout getting me some private Insurance and get away from the VA before they kill me. Thanks for the well wishes we both appreciate it. .....................Buck
  25. Thanks Pete53, We think the non medical is that they need to check her work record/history and see if she has paid into the system the last 5/10 years and make sure she is a US Citizen ect,,ect,, which don't make a lick of sense if she is approved for her disability first. oh well That's the Government for ya. .....................Buck
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