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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by stillhere

  1. ha Ha! The E-2 means on here that you are a newbee and you only have 2 posts! The more post you make to help others and yourself will bring your rankings up! Another poster a while back was upset that the owner of the site uses Navy terms for ranking? T-Bird the owner of the site set it up that way so no big deal! Again welcome to Hadit!!
  2. I once was faced with this same question and found this answer: In medicine, a chronic disease is a disease that is long-lasting or recurrent. The term chronic describes the course of the disease, or its rate of onset and development. A chronic course is distinguished from a recurrent course; recurrent diseases relapse repeatedly, with periods of remission in between. As an adjective, chronic can refer to a persistent and lasting medical condition. Chronicity is usually applied to a condition that lasts more than three months. The opposite of chronic is acute. Examples of chronic diseases include: Hope this helps!
  3. You are in good shape (claim wise) IHD/CAD are pretty much the same thing and CHF is the result of having the IHD.CAD. If you look at the rating list for heart conditions if CHF is present your rate goes up by the number of episodes you have per year. Take care of yourself and you should be fine!
  4. That is very true Pete! I was awarded SMC s because my heart was 100% and my PTSD and others added up to well way over what is required. Mike is your only SC the PTSD? You obviously are having a very hard time dealing with this and the VA can be hard to deal with. I wonder if there is an exam sheet that she was supposed to follow during the C&P? Anyone know? I know for a fact there is a sheet for just about all of our illnesses but not sure if there is a specific one for Housebound?
  5. OK!! It is a done deal! Contact your local county, city tax commission to get the form for tax exemption. It is a very simple form to fill out and send in. This is a great thank you to Virginia vets! I say thank you Virginia citizens and VA Governor Bob McDonnell!!
  6. i read this the other day Carlie and I hope it gets some heads rolling but we all know that it won't! I often wonder what society will finally say when there are no longer any Vietnam vets to piss on??!!
  7. Hedge I don't like reading the comments section after an article any more for benefits that veterans get! They upset me to much and make my mood/PSTD or anxiety ready to explode on nearby mankind. And then you will read the news article about the vet that blew his brains out or shot a bunch of people cause he couldn't cope!! There is a no win situation about this because then the public will say "I wonder what made him/her do it"??? Some of or actually a lot of the public and especially those that have not served can not see the forest for the trees! Lame!!
  8. I will hold my thoughts until the OP comes back and answers some of the Q's other have posted. Sounds to me to be a bad mystery story at best but who knows.
  9. This is very good news for you and your hubby!! Lets hope in your case as well as in mine that the compensation WILL HELP us live a long life and beat or treat this disease for a while. I have a step farther who had his first heart attack at 47 and survived, He is now 86 because of the help he has gotten from his cardiologist!!
  10. yes! Tricare you earned and paid for and is a benefit of your long years of service. VA compensation is based on your diseases/injuries while you served. Hence service connected, Anything and everything that is in your medical records during your active duty is service connected. If you mean can you get VA medical while your getting Tricare I see no reason why not. But why would you want it? I HAVE HEARD TRICARE is very good?
  11. Pete, Getting the bluetooth is cool but you need to remember any devise that we get to aid us in hearing has a learning curve and using it is the best way to learn. I have had mine for well over 2 years now, and about 8 months ago I just put it away because I was tired of it given out at the worst time! Dropped calls and in the middle of TV shows! I got very dis enchanted with it! Anyhow see how you like it, and like I said it does take a while. After I gave up on it I had my audiologist add a listening mode on my aide for TV and when I click to that mode it jacks the TV up so I can hear it. I do get a buzz because it is so high I guess. but I have been able to turn the TV so my wife says it is comfortable and I just turn my aide to the mode. I can then hear the TV and her too! Not sure sometimes if that is good! Ha Ha! Good luck!
  12. Getting service connected for depression is your main objective at this time. If as you say you have filed and been denied. You are going to have to proof/point out to the VA where in your records it states you have depression and when. Another way you might try is to get a IMO where the doctor states that more than likely your depression started in service and back that up with some rationale facts. Until one of the other is accomplished I feel you will continue to be denied. Not good news but I feel this is what you need.
  13. If you filed a claim there should be something there! Some RO's are lax in posting them and some do right away. Just like any thing in dealing with the VA they are never consistent. I would check it after 30 days or when you get the form letter about we are working your claim.
  14. I did the same thing today and signed on and the site contacted me to a Sgt. Schultz I closed it real fast!! The government is really f--- this up! They really need some IT help!
  15. Last month I had a quickie appt in dental to take out stitches and check on the progress of my implants. I got a travel voucher but when I turned it in they told me it was only for 1/2 way. something to do with how the clinic entered it in the computer. I just said ok and went on my way. I had two appts this week and was paid the regular rate again!
  16. OK an update on this finally!! After passing the house and senate some localities in VA are taking names for their list and sending out letters. I would recommend all 100% P/T disabled veterans contact their tax commissioner. Also the Virginia Governor has the date of March 31 on his calendar to sign veteran legislature! Not sure if this one will be included but I would assume and hope so!! good luck to all and thank you Virginia!
  17. I am like J if I have to wait I get really antsy and please do not start a conversation with me because you will regret it! I had to be at the VAMC all day yesterday and had an OK day but almost lost it because my damn eye exam was taking what I thought was to long. Patience is very hard for me to have and control!! Remember we all have our things that set us off, the advise about the vet centers either group or one on one really helps me and the meds!
  18. I would also like to add that you take a look at the ratings for the codes you are rated under to get a feel for what the rater is looking at when he rates your claim. Make sure that your wife's statements touch on those issues like can not lift over 25lbs. That kind of stuff to get you a higher rating and show you are qualified for it. I know for SSDI I had to do a disclosure of what I could do around the house and how it effected me and my health. I have a heart condition though and it has a 100% rating available and is very specific as to what your doctor has to say. What codes are you rated in and what is the highest % you can get and what is the criteria to get it. While your wife's statements should influence the rater what others have said about a doctors opinion is the gold standard that the VA uses. Good lUck to you and sorry you are in the shape you are at such a young age!
  19. I have had my bluetooth hearing aid for a few years now. It works great with the phone and with TV. At the time I got mine I was still working and having a very hard time understanding what people were saying on the phone. I could hear the sound but not the exact word. The VA offered me the bluetooth to use with my phone and I used it in conferences and and with the TV. You get a receiver and a linking devise for your phone. When you get the bluetooth in sync you can then actually answer your phone with it and the call comes right through your aide! You can also after it is in sync lay the receiver down on a table like next to the speaker of a TV or someone talking and pick up everything through your aide! It is pretty cool!
  20. This is a good subject and just like MOST of the steps the VA take, they appear to walk on both sides of the street in different directions and still end up at the same Place! Kind of like basic traing when we would run up hill to the mess hall and then run up hill to the barracks. They shipped me out before I could figure that OUT! Ha HA! I have had the VA on a C&P rate conditions that I did not put in for but I have never had a VA regular doc like a PCP tell me I should apply for this or that. Another thing I am 100%+ SMC-s and filing for anything else would be just a waste at this point. I would suggest though that when you go to the VA that you get copies of what the docs put in your records and claim those that you feel you have a shot at!
  21. Also I lot of it depends on the RO you are at! As Carlie says the variables are many! We I could tell you six months from where you are an you could get it tomorrow! Either way YOU WILL GET IT. Try and think of it as a bank account that you can not touch for a while. It does sound like you are getting close though! Good Luck with your claim!
  22. I just recently about 5 months ago got signed on after trying and not getting it. I believe I got an email from my healthevet and went through it and this time it worked! Try the myhealthevet link and after you get on search that site for ebenefits. Something will pop up and explain how to do it. Good Luck!
  23. I would file online like I did just go to the site for Social Security like Berta gave you. It is quite long and intensive but you can save a file and come back and finish later. Get all your medical records before hand makes it easier. Also you should have been getting SS statements showing how much you will receive when you retire. If you have not worked since 08 that is what 3 years so you should have enough credits to file. DO NOT let it go or if you reach a 5 year limit and have not worked you could get screwed. File today if those doctors said you should and get everything together! Good luck to you!
  24. Papa, That doesn't smell right! Everyone knows that once you file a claim ALL your medical records are at the RO where your claim was filed. The only records that are kep at NARA would be your orders and medals and DD-214 at least that it what I have been told. Case in point I filed for hearing loss back in 83 and when I filed for DM2 in 2002 I sent a letter requesting ALL of my records including medical and NARA send me my records but also sent me a letter telling me my medical records where at the RO.
  25. It could help and or hurt your claim depending on the results. I have had both upper and lower EMG and have been found to have PN in both. These test on me have been done by outside doc's and by a QTC C&P while not comfortable they will sway your decision! good luck with your claim!
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