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Philip Rogers

HadIt.com Elder
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Everything posted by Philip Rogers

  1. Berta - the VA probably won't consider TDIU, as he is already rated 100%, for PTSD. Also, being 100% for PTSD infers HB and w/his agorophobia, they should have awarded HB. It's hard to say whether he's better off pursuing a DRO hearing or going straight to the BVA. I feel the BVA will remand his claim so he'd be better off at the DRO hearing. jmo pr
  2. I agree. When did that personality disorder appear?? Was it by the military at discharge?? pr
  3. You should be all set w/that award. It's just a matter of whether you want to go the DRO hearing route or the BVA route. Personally I'd try the DRO hearing route. As for the January 2013 NOD, I wouldn't worry about it for now, as I think they'll be combined w/the previous NOD. jmo pr What's your age?
  4. believe - can you post their decision letter from September 20012, blocking your personal info?? Did the examiner state that your agorophobia was either service connected or secondary to your PTSD?? You can be 100% but unless the agorophobia is SC or secondary to your PTSD, the HB will be denied. Other than that I'd request a DRO hearing. Or you can go to the BVA and most likely be remanded back to the RO in 2 yrs. jmo pr
  5. Gee only 33 yrs . . . not bad! Take a day or two off. Congrats!!! pr
  6. believe - I believe you should file a NOD on the September 2012 award (2010 claim), otherwise you'll lose 2+yrs of award when you win. Your current NOD may suffice. If they awarded you 100% schedular, strictly due to PTSD, you do meet the "inferred" requirement. You would then need to show evidence of your agoraphobia or the fact that your PTSD prevents you from leaving the house to go to and from work, daily or enough that you couldn't hold down a job. Could you post your 9/12 decision and your 1/13 NOD, with your personal block out?? Once we see that, we may be able to tell if your current NOD is sufficient, which it may be. jmo pr
  7. Thanks!!! I may need to state what VAMC is doing it when I ask for mine. Thanks again!! pr
  8. What VAMC gave you the battery backup?? Thanks! pr
  9. TLaff - they usually require a C&P on each claimed disability/illness/disease. They may waive it, on occasion, if you have extensive medical records, showing your disease/condition. pr
  10. Philip Rogers

    Dic Question

    You should get a notice of your new rate . . . . eventually. pr
  11. I always ask at Lowe's if they give a military discount and then show them my DoD MWR card. Usually a supervisor has to come over view the ID and punch in their code but I always get 10% off and it's on all items, including sale items. I stopped using Home Depot a few yrs back when I realized Lowe's gives 10% all the time. pr
  12. Thanks, for your service! I was 1st Cav, 1st Bde (Abn), 7/65-9/67 - 11b4p, Sqd Ldr. I lost a good friend, John Farnham, 1.5 yrs ago, Hamburger Hill also. Rakkasans, 3/187 (C Co, I think). pr
  13. Joshua - You might try checking w/the Advocate General of the state where you entered the military. They are supposed to receive a copy of your records upon discharge. Hang onto those dental records, as they are at least a start. Don't lose them. Check w/the awards people also. I believe General Orders are stored at the National Archives, so if your name was ever on them you could get a copy. These are just some suggestions. pr
  14. I believe the TBI would need to be pretty severe just to get you to 95%, rounded to 100%, via the combined ratings table. I believe you can receive VocRehab w/either schedular 100% or TDIU, as your ability to learn has nothing to do w/your ability to work. pr
  15. I agree and I forsee a serious problem sometime down the road. However, they may be using this method because by by-passing the "reasons & bases," the claims proceed faster and only the denials will be appealed. Not many will appeal a win, which saved them a lot of time processing by skipping the reasons & bases. jmo pr
  16. I filed for SMC "k" award, for ED, and was denied. I submitted a NOD, along w/a vague letter somewhat supporting my claim, from my civilian urologist and eventually got distracted w/other events in my life and forgot about. About 10 yrs to the day, of my original SMC claim, I received a $10k deposit in my account, much to my surprise. Someone was reviewing my file for a new claim, of PN, and awarded me my SMC claim. It was a sweet surprise!! The current rate for a "k" award is $100 monthly. Four yrs payment should be somewhere around $4600-4700 retro. pr
  17. My exams were done 2.5 hours away in another VISN. What form do I use to send in to request a release of my C&P exams? Corrected post/link: Here's a fillable link to the medical release of info form - http://www.va.gov/vaforms/medical/pdf/vha-10-5345-fill.pdf pr
  18. They'll probably need a new C&P exam, especially if it's been a yr since the last one. Also, there wasn't, apparently, enough evidence of TDIU, at the time of the last decision, or they would've decided in your favor. jmo pr
  19. It's about time and I hope he gets what he deserves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can guarantee the VA will appeal. jmo pr
  20. Why would his housing allowance go thru the VA, as it has nothing to do w/the VA?? Monies returned, to the VA, can take up to 6-8 wks before being returned to the veteran. pr
  21. If you believe that then you believe Clinton's statement that " I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky." They probably had no idea of the problems AO could cause, nor did they care, otherwise why would they have exempted Monsanto & Dow Chemical. Personally, I think any civilian exposed should sue the companies and the feds. jmo pr
  22. In the meantime, he could contact a Vet Center and "perhaps" get counseling, as he was raised by you and some of his problems may be related to the fact that you are a VN vet. jmo pr
  23. This sounds like just another tactic to screw the soldier(vet). I'd contact an attorney specializing in military & VA law. The DoD/Army are looking at ways to cut costs down the road. pr
  24. Thanks! Just wanted to be sure it wasn't just me seeing this trend. pr
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